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College Essay -college essay sample -留学essay代写- Business Program Application: Edited Essay + Critique [6]


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关键词:College Essaycollege essay sample留学essay代写Business Program ApplicationEdited Essay

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among smaller companies and the overall distribution and sale of personal information to third parties.  While widespread inconsistencies such as DoubleClick’s acquisition of Abacus are difficult to ignore, many smaller Internet companies could find it detrimental to their success to comply with new rules.   Despite the industry’s attempts to self-regulate consumer privacy, much of their findings are based upon the failure of sites to give consumers access to information that is collected about them.  Both minor and major e-commerce companies have not entirely accepted this recommendation, in part because it is difficult and costly to implement.   Consumer advocates have also expressed dissatisfaction with companies whose ‘privacy policies’ are ambiguous and confusing.  Moreover, those that are clearer lack standardized warnings and instructions.    
Clearly, we need laws that regulate security in Internet communications without threatening or intruding on the rising e-commerce domains.  Such laws must balance both the First and Fourth amendments, the right of people to “be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects,” against the rights of corporate free speech.  I believe that if a consumer’s personal information has a market value beyond the immediate web transaction, then he/she deserves to be explicitly aware of and in control of the sharing of this information.  On the other hand, it is also in the interest of the government to respect the newness and entrepreneurial visions of e-commerce companies in the new millennium.  Internet advertisers must remember, however, that if the public continues to suspect e-commerce of false or misleading privacy issues in the form of cookies or the sale of personal information to third parties, any efforts that the industry takes to win back the public’s trust may be ‘too little, too late.’ It is far better to launch a long-term, government-mandated privacy policy than to stifle e-commerce with consumer privacy concerns. Government action would put consumers at ease and allow e-commerce to flourish with innovative business and personal products in the new millennium.
College Essay - International Experience: Edited Essay + Critique
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