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Business School Module Handbook


论文字数:6380论文编号:org201007222154042748语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Business SchoolModule HandbookHull Business SchoolTeaching sessionsModule specification

1. Welcome note and introduction
2. Disability
3. Key contacts
4. Postal address
5. Using your University email address
6. Teaching sessions
7. Student support
8. Attendance
9. Blackboard
10. Personal Development Planning
11. Study programme
12. Coursework submission – dates and times
13. Assessment criteria for coursework
14. Coursework submission - procedure
15. Group work
16. Plagiarism and Unfair Means
17. Ethical practice
18. Examinations
19. Mitigating www.51lunwen.org circumstances and Absence with Good Cause
20. Assessment grading
21. Module specification
22. Reading and resources list
23. Module evaluation
24. Module review
25. Module changes
26. Health and safety
27. Notes
The University of Hull Business School
Module handbook page 3 of 29
1. Welcome note and introduction
Introduction to the module
CORE TEXT BOOK: FOR 2009-10 IS: ISBN 978 007 1254 10-6
Management Control Systems (12th Edition) 2007;
Authors: Anthony and Govinarajan; (A&G)
An excellent textbook, published by McGraw-Hill, containing readings and some of the case studies that we will be doing together this semester.
It is an essential purchase for your group-work and perhaps also to access module assessment case(s) too. Further cases in PDF will be uploaded into E-Bridge, by the module leader for you to print off and these will be needed early in the programme.
It is expected that M-level students will pursue in-depth reading frequently, of their own initiative, against www.51lunwen.org the topics that follow.
Your frequent reading should include the many electronic academic journals that are generously available through the B.J.'s library services. You have access to over 60 electronic journals in the Accounting and Finance area alone.
You will be able to access some useful journal articles and readings via E-Bridge, during the semester.
The core text (A&G) has many useful readings, but particular areas will need further reading e.g. on performance measurement and its impacts (also see ‘Management Accounting’ texts and ‘Organisational Behaviour’ texts, for these aspects.)
There is a new text of readings which is very much worth buying which is: Issues in Management Accounting; 3rd Edition 2007; Hopper, Northcott and Scapens (editors).
Workshops will start in the third week of the semester and it is essential that you are well prepared for these sessions, as much of the learning and the necessary criticality needed at this level will be derived from these highly participative sessions. A drop in workshop will be arranged in the final week for students who need additional guidance to help them prepare for their examination, which will be based on a seen case study with unseen questions.
The University of Hull Business School
Module Handbook page 4 of 29
Rewarding Executives (bases):
This has been a very contentious issue over recent years as many executives have been accused by shareholders of „corporate largesse‟.
A question that should be asked of any „extrinsic‟ reward system is whether it does encourage the right behaviours, or does it alternatively stimulate dysfunctional executive behaviours.
There are mixed views concerning the use of stock options (views expressed by the late Professor Peter Drucker, as follows:
‘We have not found a way to compensate executives, so that on the one hand they don’t have an 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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