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6691.functional equivalence and translation of english ..[内容预览]2006-11-07

FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE AND TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH IMAGES 等效翻译理论与英语习语翻译 摘要 语言是文化的载体。由于习语所具备的独特的文化特性,因而一直以来都被认为是翻译中最难处理的部分之一。尽管词典提供给读者参考性的译文,但通常翻译时光靠这些译文是不够的,依葫芦画瓢只 FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE AND TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH IMAGES ABSTRACT Idioms, with their unique c

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:4122论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6692.a contrastive study of using euphemisms between en..[内容预览]2006-11-07

A Contrastive Study of Using Euphemisms Between English and Chinese Contents Abstract in Chinese Abstract in English Introduction Abstract in Chinese 委婉语,作为一种语言现象,它有其独特的来源及构成方法,并遵循一定的发展规律。同时,它也是一种文化现象,折射出中西国家的不同风俗习惯和社会心理。委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,是人们谈论那些令人不快或尴尬的事情时所使用的较为礼貌的说法。它不仅是一种社会语言现象

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:6529论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6693.characteristics of female english language and its..[内容预览]2006-11-07

Characteristics of Female English Language and Its causes 【Abstract】: Women have their own ways in using the English Language. That is rich in emotion, modulation in tone, gentle and cultivated; standard and implicit or bluff ad bluster. Does Female English really have these characteristic

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:2966论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6694.an analysis of language features in english advert..[内容预览]2006-11-07

Title: AN ANALYSIS OF LANGUAGE FEATURES IN ENGLISH ADVERTISEMENTS Category: Arts>English Level: B/A 广告英语特点分析 l 摘要 本文旨在通过对书面英语广告的语言分析总结出广告英语在词汇﹑句法﹑篇章上的语言特点。为了使研究从数据出发得出科学结论,本文作者建立了一个拥有60篇各类广告的小型语料库。通过对此语料库中日用品广告﹑科技设备广告﹑服务业广告的深入细致的定量和定性分析,总结出广告英语在此三类广告中的相同点与不同点,并且根据语言的意义,风格及功能解释广告英语的共性以及

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:3814论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6695.marriage in pride and prejudice[内容预览]2006-11-07

Marriage in Pride and Prejudice [Abstract]Pride and Prejudice has always been, since its publication in 1813, Austen's most popular novel. Pride and Prejudice, a gentle but witty satire of courtship and marriage, tells the story of how the young ladies choose their husbands. All of Austen’s novels

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:5704论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6696.evil and kindness's competetion——the changes of ..[内容预览]2006-11-07

Evil and Kindness's Competetion——The Changes of Oliver’s life Outline I. Abstract II. The tragic life of Oliver’s childhood-- life in a workhouse and the first job III. Life in London--Oliver lives with the robbers and is treated badly Abstract This paper concentrates on the changes

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:2870论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6697.the features of romanticism literature in england[内容预览]2006-11-07

The features of Romanticism literature in England Abstract This passage mainly talks about the features of Romanticism literature in England and its background. Under the influences of the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution,the social life changes a lot especially in literature.

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:4048论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6698.劳伦斯的<儿子与情人>: 家庭失和与失衡的研究a study ..[内容预览]2006-11-07

劳伦斯的: 家庭失和与失衡的研究 A Study of Domestic Disharmony and Discord in D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers 【中文摘要】 在诸多劳伦斯的作品中,《儿子与情人》是其早期相当著名的自传性小说。其自传性色彩,深刻地描绘出劳伦斯早年的家庭生活与成长历程。纵观劳伦斯的一生,深受其双亲及家庭背景的影响,且反应在其重要作品中。因此,本篇论文首先介绍劳伦斯的家庭背景,以及双亲对他的影响,以为析探《儿子与情人》的背景基础。 本篇论文目的是阐述处身于维多利亚时代的莫雷尔家庭,其失和与失衡对

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:9903论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6699.shelley’s active and revolutionary romanticism--c..[内容预览]2006-11-07

A Thesis Presented for Bachelor Degree Shelley’s active and revolutionary Romanticism --Combination of Romanticism and Realism A Thesis Presented for Bachelor Degree ABSTRACT Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) is known as a great active and revolutionary romanticist. He has a lifetime of

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:3519论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6700.the man and the sea[内容预览]2006-11-07

The man and the sea 摘要: 在《老人与海》这部英雄主义的小说中,桑提亚哥的形象给读者留下了非常深刻的印象。在这个情节简单的故事中,他的人格 、心理力量在起着重要作用。作品来源于生活,但高于生活。在对桑提亚哥老人的描绘中歌颂了人类的硬汉精神,同时也寄托了人们对美好未来的向往。 关键词:意志力, 刚强,道德和情感,痛苦,挣扎 Abstract: In the heroic novel “The man and the sea”, the impact of the image of Santiago on the readers is powerf

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:2452论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6701.comparative literature in china [内容预览]2006-11-07

Comparative Literature in China 1. On the landscape of modern Chinese literary scholarship, comparative literature is perhaps one of the most versatile and active fields of study. As an academic discipline and a mode of intellectual inquiry and scholarly production, comparative literature was

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:4015论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6702.character is destiny -an analysis on hamlet’s tra..[内容预览]2006-11-07

Character Is Destiny -An Analysis on Hamlet’s Tragic Trait 摘要 本文围绕“性格决定命运”的论点,对导致王子复仇悲剧结局的原因,即哈姆雷特的性格弱点作了粗浅的分析。文章认为,哈姆雷特性格上的五种弱点使他的复仇不可能圆满结束。他的忧郁、多虑、优柔寡断是造成其悲剧结局的基本原因,而其粗心、鲁莽则是导致他悲剧结局的补充性原因。尽管如此,在哈姆雷特性格弱点中蕴含着的仁慈、友善等优点,却是很值得肯定的。 Abstract Centering round “character is destiny”, this p

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:3936论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6703.character is destiny - an analysis on hamlet’s tr..[内容预览]2006-11-07

摘 要 本文围绕“性格决定命运”的论点,对导致王子复仇悲剧结局的原因,即哈姆雷特的性格弱点作了粗浅的分析。文章认为,哈姆雷特性格上的五种弱点使他的复仇不可能圆满结束。他的忧郁、多虑、优柔寡断是造成其悲剧结局的基本原因,而其粗心、鲁莽则是导致他悲剧结局的补充性原因。尽管如此,在哈姆雷特性格弱点中蕴含着的仁慈、友善等优点,却是很值得肯定的。 Abstract Centering round “character is destiny”, this paper is intended to make a tentative study on H

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:3113论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

6704.development strategic analysis of hc[内容预览]2006-11-07

Development Strategic analysis of HC Abstract 1. Introduction to the development strategy of HC HC was established in July 1994, and after more than 10 years development, HC has now grown up as a famous manufacturer of computer components and consumption materials. Number of current employees of

论文类别:strategy人气:2809论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2006-11-07原创论文 Original thesis

6705.the five year strategic marketing plan for sapphir..[内容预览]2006-11-07

Executive Summary Sapphire is currently in a leadership position of converged mobile devices in the UK market. Due to timing of entry, the corporate solution is further along the product development and adoption curves than the retail solution, although the same number of resources is devoted to m

论文类别:Marketing人气:5213论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2006-11-07原创论文 Original thesis

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