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1.whether accounting is the most effective means of ..[内容预览]2012-06-14

论文题目:critically assess whether accounting is the most effective means of achieving accountability in organizations?论文语言:英语论文 English论文专业:

论文类别:Financial Management人气:4914论文属性:作业 Assignment加入时间:2012-06-14原创论文 Original thesis

2.the power and accountability of regulator in banki..[内容预览]2012-06-14

论文题目:待定论文语言:英语论文 English代写价格:1500论文专业:国际金融银行法字数:2000学校国家:香港 Hongkong是否有数据处理要求:否您的学校:香港中文大学论文用于:Master Term Paper 硕士课程作业 补充要求和说明:1,不需要开题报告2,参考文献十个以上3,严格按照老师

论文类别:Financial Management人气:2135论文属性:作业 Assignment加入时间:2012-06-14原创论文 Original thesis

3.the role of representation, control and accountabi..[内容预览]2010-09-23

【Abstract】:The recent economic failure in the western market particularly in US, can be seen much of American dream turned into nightmare. There are several financial institutions that are facing the big crisis. This paper critically assessed whether examination of the themes of representation, con

论文类别:Accounting人气:5901论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2010-09-23原创论文 Original thesis

4.democratic accountability and political effectiven..[内容预览]2009-05-19

From the destruction of the twin towers on 11 September 2001 to the failure of trade discussions at Cancún in September 2003, issues are raised which not only concern large swathes of the world’s population, but can only be adequately resolved by increased coordination and cooperation across bo

论文类别:Politics人气:2799论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2009-05-19收费论文 Charging Thesis

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