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91.the issue of discrimination in the enterprise[内容预览]2009-12-30

Discrimination exists in every form of society, no matter it is Democratic or People’s Republic. Notwithstanding the majority of governments are holding a principle of discrimination rejection. Under the limitation of law, policy intendance and public supervision, at least nobody supports discrimin

论文类别:Organisational Behavior人气:2622论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2009-12-30原创论文 Original thesis

92.代写assignment coca-cola enterprises inc.-strength..[内容预览]2009-10-01

Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc.-Strength & Organizational capabilitiesStrengths- Coca Cola is world's largest beverage company, largest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. Its products range is attached to people in their hearts. Its bigge

论文类别:英语论文写作要求人气:3398论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-10-01免费论文 Free Thesis

93.商务英语论文-the impact of enterprise resource pla..[内容预览]2009-07-13

Abstract Information technology is significantly changing the operating practices of an increasing number of companies globally. These developments have important implications for the accounting profession and in particular accounting practices in the twenty-first century. This study examin

论文类别:商务英语人气:35293论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-07-13免费论文 Free Thesis

94.the impact of enterprise resource planning systems..[内容预览]2009-05-24

Abstract Information technology is significantly changing the operating practices of an increasing number of companies globally. These developments have important implications for the accounting profession and in particular accounting practices in the twenty-first century. This study examines

论文类别:商务英语人气:34794论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2009-05-24免费论文 Free Thesis

95.human resource management in chinese small and med..[内容预览]2009-05-20

Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this article is to emphasise the development, importance and pressures on the under-researched area of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and human resource management (HRM) and provide a review and research agenda, especially relating to the debate

论文类别:HRM - Human Resource Management人气:4348论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2009-05-20收费论文 Charging Thesis

96.the sustainable development of chinese family ente..[内容预览]2009-05-01

Table of Contents Abstract It is over 30 years since the policy of reform and opening up has been implemented by the Chinese government. During that time, many family enterprises were established one after another and most of these enterprises have been developing fast via seizing that valuable o

论文类别:MBA人气:3832论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2009-05-01原创论文 Original thesis

97.the impact of financial integration on enterprise ..[内容预览]2009-04-01

The Impact of Financial Integration on Enterprise Financial Management 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 2.1. Literature 2.2. ..................... 2.3. Measurement and data3. Finance and output correlations 3.1. ........................... 3.2. Channels 3.3.

论文类别:Organisational Behavior人气:3447论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2009-04-01原创论文 Original thesis

98.establishing and optimizing a comprehensive motiva..[内容预览]2009-03-31

Establishing and Optimizing a Comprehensive Motivation Mechanism within the Enterprise Based on Case Study 1. Introduction2. Literature .........2.1 The definition and function of the motivation 2.2 The process .............2.3 The m

论文类别:strategy人气:2841论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2009-03-31原创论文 Original thesis

99.partnership between hrm and line managers ---devol..[内容预览]2009-03-30

Partnership between HRM and Line Managers ---Devolution of Responsibility in Multinational Enterprises in ChinaChapter One: IntroductionHuman Resources Management (HRM) is a management behaviours,based on corporate strategic objectives with a series of measures of the

论文类别:HRM - Human Resource Management人气:6658论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2009-03-30原创论文 Original thesis

100.research to the impact of internet technologies on..[内容预览]2009-01-10

Chapter 1: Introduction to the problem. Finish this chapter with the main problem definition1.0 Introduction of the chapter 1.1 Development of Internet en eCommerce 1.1.1 History 1.1.2 Today's situation of internet world wide, eventually 1.1.3 Future1.2

论文类别:E-commerce and E-business人气:4199论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2009-01-10原创论文 Original thesis

101.state-owned enterprises going public[内容预览]2008-12-18

AbstractPublic listing is a key reform measure for large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China. We find evidence that public listing lowers state ownership significantly, lessens firms’ reliance on debt finance, and allows firms to increase capital expenditure, at least tem

论文类别:财务管理人气:2229论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay加入时间:2008-12-18收费论文 Charging Thesis

102.internationalization of chinese construction enter..[内容预览]2008-12-18

Internationalization of Chinese Construction EnterprisesLow Sui Pheng and Jiang Hongbin Abstract: Thirty-five international contractors from China were included by the Engineering News Record in the list of the To

论文类别:财务管理人气:2126论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay加入时间:2008-12-18收费论文 Charging Thesis

103.financing alternatives for chinese small and mediu..[内容预览]2008-12-10

Financing alternatives for small and medium enterprises in China are discussed in the present study. In particular, we analyze the significant changes and developments in China’s “second board” stock market. China’s extensive network of regional assets and equity exchanges, which were set up to fac

论文类别:财务管理人气:2154论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2008-12-10收费论文 Charging Thesis

104.main motivations for chinese small and medium-size..[内容预览]2008-09-10

Main Motivations for Chinese Small and Medium-Size Enterprises to List Their Shares on the Foreign Stock Exchanges Outline: I Preface : In this part,the author illuminates the main purpo

论文类别:MBA人气:5846论文属性:文献综述 Literature Review加入时间:2008-09-10原创论文 Original thesis

105.泰国硕士毕业论文 strategies of implementing electr..[内容预览]2008-07-09

Strategies of Implementing Electronic Business by Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in China Table of ContentAbstract 1CHAPTER 1: IN

论文类别:strategy人气:35022论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2008-07-09原创论文 Original thesis

英国英国 澳大利亚澳大利亚 美国美国 加拿大加拿大 新西兰新西兰 新加坡新加坡 香港香港 日本日本 韩国韩国 法国法国 德国德国 爱尔兰爱尔兰 瑞士瑞士 荷兰荷兰 俄罗斯俄罗斯 西班牙西班牙 马来西亚马来西亚 南非南非