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196.effective training system for grass-roots employee..[内容预览]2010-11-12

Abstract:The hotel training management and system is one of the most important parts of hotel human resource management. Also it is crucial to find a suitable and effective training system for the Chinese native hotels and meet the needs of Chinese hotels in the global economy deve

论文类别:Hospitality and Tourism人气:10450论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2010-11-12原创论文 Original thesis

197.the research on the mice tourism development of sh..[内容预览]2010-11-12

Abstract:MICE tourism is the product of the convention and tourism development to a certain stage, because of its great economic and social benefits and known as the "jewel in tourism crown." With the MICE tourism development, urban economic development has bee

论文类别:Hospitality and Tourism人气:12647论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2010-11-12原创论文 Original thesis

198.modes for chinese small and medium-sized enterpris..[内容预览]2010-10-30

1.1 research background Almost all the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have an essential dream from the very beginning of their business-becoming larger and stronger. It is the aspiration of every enterprise, but is not easy to 代写term paper

论文类别:Commercial Law人气:2724论文属性:建议书 proposal加入时间:2010-10-30原创论文 Original thesis

199.civilization’s affection on business men’s accep..[内容预览]2010-10-30

1.0 Introduction This world is really diversity and complicated. Just reading the civilizations in this world, there are really term paper写作 so many different types, such as classifying it from the geographic or race. At the same time, this world is a

论文类别:International Business Law人气:4813论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2010-10-30原创论文 Original thesis

200.the advice for haier to solve the international hu..[内容预览]2010-10-17

Introduction Haier Group was an large enterprise established based on the Qingdao Refrigerator Factory when in 1984 the advanced technology was first introduced into the developing country from Germany Liebherr refrigerator company. In the thought of "famous brand strategy", president Zhang mad

论文类别:strategy人气:4071论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2010-10-17原创论文 Original thesis

201.international labour office report 关于女性的劳动力..[内容预览]2010-09-15

International Labour Office report 关于女性的劳动力市场调查报告 Contents1. Overview............................ .......................................................................12. Sub-Saharan Africa............... ..........................43. North Africa .

论文类别:Social Studies人气:4078论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2010-09-15收费论文 Charging Thesis

202.移民对劳动力市场的影响 international migration to ..[内容预览]2010-09-06

International Migration to Germany: A CGE-Analysis of Labour Market Impact Abstract Although it is widely accepted that additional migration is needed to mitigate ageing, among the present Member States of the European Union (EU) concerns a

论文类别:HRM - Human Resource Management人气:4034论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2010-09-06收费论文 Charging Thesis

203.外企案例分析 barriers of international technology ..[内容预览]2010-08-14

Case Study of Swedish Company and Its Subsidiary Company in China Introduction Because of the rapid globalization of the world’s economy and the technology gap between different countries, international technology transfers have always been an important issue for numerous industries

论文类别:运营管理论文人气:6495论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2010-08-14免费论文 Free Thesis

204.英国市场学毕业论文代写 based on the insight of app..[内容预览]2010-08-12

英国硕士毕业论文 Interdiction 1.1 Definition:Renminbi (RMB) is Chinese currency. The RMB is not convertible into foreign currency, and is used for internal commerce, but not in the purchase of imported goods. See also FEC (Foreign Exchange Certifi

论文类别:Marketing人气:6594论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2010-08-12原创论文 Original thesis

205.the acceptable degree of convention on internation..[内容预览]2010-08-10

1.0 Introduction The earliest international trade can be traced into B.C. 138 in the ancient China. Along with the time going, it also developed fast. But it flourished since the end of 15th Century, resulted from the Great Discoveries of the Geography. Because of international trade’s booming,

论文类别:Commercial Law人气:2737论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2010-08-10原创论文 Original thesis

206.中、英文合同 a study on e-c international contract..[内容预览]2010-07-25

Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the trade contracts translation both in Chinese and in English, it illuminates the different of the language used in China and America. At the same time, it shows us the stylistic features in Chinese and English and the specialists in the translating.

论文类别:法律英语人气:3906论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis加入时间:2010-07-25原创论文 Original thesis

207.network relationships and the internationalisat..[内容预览]2010-07-06

Abstract--This paper examines the influence of network relationships on the internationalisa- tion process of small firms, using multi-site case research on the software industry. The study empirically integrates

论文类别:International Business Management人气:7436论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2010-07-06收费论文 Charging Thesis

208.international business law assignment[内容预览]2010-06-26

Question One Discuss the scope and extent of the exemptions from performance provided by Article 79 of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the relationship of this provision to the doctrines of frustration and force majeure in common and civil law. What

论文类别:International Business Law人气:3998论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2010-06-26免费论文 Free Thesis

209.prepared on behalf of huthwaite in respect of inte..[内容预览]2010-06-24

Statement of Purpose:In this paper, we are going to discuss the actions required for the entering of Huthwaite to the Dutch market. Furthermore, budget and the timeframe of this project will be also mentioned. Problems outline:Huthwaite is well established in many countries and its b

论文类别:International Business Management人气:3608论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers加入时间:2010-06-24免费论文 Free Thesis

210. an investigation into the learning needs of manag..[内容预览]2010-06-21

ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with the learning needs ofmanagers in SMEs that seek to become progres-sively international. A particular focus of atten

论文类别:HRM - Human Resource Management人气:3723论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2010-06-21收费论文 Charging Thesis

英国英国 澳大利亚澳大利亚 美国美国 加拿大加拿大 新西兰新西兰 新加坡新加坡 香港香港 日本日本 韩国韩国 法国法国 德国德国 爱尔兰爱尔兰 瑞士瑞士 荷兰荷兰 俄罗斯俄罗斯 西班牙西班牙 马来西亚马来西亚 南非南非