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关健词:CULTURE[本次检索为您找到 201 篇有关的页面]

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196.research on the cross-culture human resources mana..[内容预览]2007-02-04

Research on the cross-culture human resources management in China’s joint ventures Introduction 21st century is characterized with globalization throughout the whole world. With the development of production ability and the speeding up of world economic integration process, market is no longe

论文类别:HRM - Human Resource Management人气:4069论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2007-02-04收费论文 Charging Thesis

197.what are the most important culture differences an..[内容预览]2006-12-16

What are the most important culture differences and elements of intercultural communication that international managers should be aware of and why? As we all know, different countries have different cultures. 'Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of o

论文类别:MBA人气:3708论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2006-12-16收费论文 Charging Thesis

198.research on cross-culture management in china’s s..[内容预览]2006-12-06

Research on Cross-culture Management in China’s State-owned enterprises 1.Introduction 1.1 Origin and Objective of Research Transnational operation and cross culture management has already become the long term task for China’s state-owned enterprises. Reform and economic development in China’s

论文类别:MBA人气:4731论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2006-12-06收费论文 Charging Thesis

199.title: language and culture[内容预览]2006-11-12

Title: language and culture l Outline chapter1.introduction 1.1 the overview of the whole dissertation. 1.2 a brief introduction of the usage of color words chapter2.illustration of eight color words 2.1 red 2.2 white 2.3 black 2.4 blue 2.5 green 2.6 yellow 2.7 pur

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:3345论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-11-12收费论文 Charging Thesis

200.writers are the guide and light of culture[内容预览]2006-10-25

Writers Are the Guide and Light of Culture ----A Discussion About How Writer of the 19th Century Influenced And Formed American Culture The American culture is raw material. The American writers of the 19th century are workmen. They shaped that period of culture on the basis of their own ways.

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:2044论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2006-10-25收费论文 Charging Thesis

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