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46.application of games in primary school english[内容预览]2014-05-18

Abstract:The New English Curriculum Standard describes that the aim of primary English teaching is to foster students’ interest in learning English. The thesis aims to expound that game-teaching approach in primary schools is not only feasible but also an ideal way of teaching English. This thesis

论文类别:小学英语教学人气:12977论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2014-05-18免费论文 Free Thesis

47.a study on the impacts of chinese pronunciation[内容预览]2014-05-18

I Introduction For a long time, students have held the view that listening is very difficult in English learning. Some of them even can not make quick response to the extremely simple words. In fact, it is a problem of pronunciation. The difficulty in listening is main

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:7200论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2014-05-18免费论文 Free Thesis

48.context and the choice of imperative forms in adve..[内容预览]2014-05-18

I. introduction and research background Advertising has become part of people’s life. So there are many studies on it. For example, Zha (2003) wrote a work named “context and the choice of imperative forms in advertising”. However, there is no person rel

论文类别:广告英语人气:10206论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2014-05-18免费论文 Free Thesis

49.如何把控工程类预算标准thoughts on improving the ac..[内容预览]2014-05-02

Science and engineering fields is analytic actuate activity cost, activity superior affirmation , action engineering costs all-important accumulation . Under the advice of the authentic abstraction of development , durably butt the accurateness of engineering fields , for more, faster , bigge

论文类别:澳大利亚论文人气:5479论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2014-05-02免费论文 Free Thesis

50.英国留学生财务管理论文如何写:important role in th..[内容预览]2014-05-02

First, the banking account administration overview 一、财务预算管理概述 Corporate banking account administration is an important allotment of the administration is the action banking administration activities beneath the advice of assertive cardinal objective

论文类别:代写英国assignment人气:4447论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2014-05-02免费论文 Free Thesis

51.人文环境对于低碳消费的影响分析human environment im..[内容预览]2014-04-29

First, the issues aloft . 一、问题的提出 In contempo years, all-around abating has led to an alterity of baptize assets , agronomical assembly , austere accident to ecosystems , actively affecting the animal ambiance and the accustomed anatomy , acceptable development of an

论文类别:英国文化论文人气:16074论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2014-04-29免费论文 Free Thesis

52.服务变化对客户态度的影响分析-analysis of the impac..[内容预览]2014-04-29

服务变化对客户态度的影响分析-Analysis of the Impact of Service Changes on Customer Attitudes Introduction 引言 随着经济的发展,中国的服务行业获得了

论文类别:建模作业人气:7052论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2014-04-29免费论文 Free Thesis

53.汽车营销的品牌形象和客户忠诚度-brand image and cus..[内容预览]2014-04-29

汽车营销的品牌形象和客户忠诚度-Brand image and customer loyalty in car marketing 1.1 Research background 研究背景 In the recent twenty years, especially since the beginning of this century, the profound changes have occurred in the environment of world's

论文类别:Marketing人气:18990论文属性:作业 Assignment加入时间:2014-04-29免费论文 Free Thesis

54.cultural imperialism inevitable-帝国主义文化的必然[内容预览]2014-04-13

Cultural Imperialism Inevitable 帝国主义文化的必然 Introduction 引言 The contemporary world is characterised by unparalleled progress that affects all spheres of life. Tradition

论文类别:Fashion and Culture人气:6745论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2014-04-13免费论文 Free Thesis

55.文化和教育的重要性 culture and education in the i..[内容预览]2014-04-05

文化和教育的重要性 culture and education in the importance Abstract: language and culture are inseparable, the process of learning a foreign language is to master the process of a new culture. Students only need

论文类别:Education人气:7150论文属性:作业 Assignment加入时间:2014-04-05免费论文 Free Thesis

56.the chinese female part-time workers’ career choi..[内容预览]2014-04-05

The Chinese Female Part-time Workers’ Career Choice and Working Satisfactions 中国的女性兼职工作者的职业生涯选择与工作满意度 1.0 Introduction 引言 Nowadays, there are many different kinds of

论文类别:英国作业人气:7138论文属性:作业 Assignment加入时间:2014-04-05免费论文 Free Thesis

57.an analysis of women’s social status at bourgeois..[内容预览]2014-04-03

An Analysis of Women’s Social Status at Bourgeois Times from Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见中资产阶级时代婚姻中妇女地位的分析 Abstract 摘要 The opening se

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:7578论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis加入时间:2014-04-03免费论文 Free Thesis

58.how globalization and trade liberalization have im..[内容预览]2014-04-01

How Globalization and Trade Liberalization Have Impacted Positively and Negatively on Global Sustainability 全球化和贸易自由化对全球可持续发展带来的正面和负面影响 1.0 Introduct

论文类别:International Trading人气:10930论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2014-04-01免费论文 Free Thesis

59.improving marketing performance for city snacks-提..[内容预览]2014-04-01

Improving Marketing performance for City Snacks 提高小吃城的营销业绩 1 Introduction 1.引言 Managing a good, even excellent market per

论文类别:Marketing人气:9954论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2014-04-01免费论文 Free Thesis

60.erp’s impact on information use and business stra..[内容预览]2014-03-28

ERP’s Impact on Information Use and Business Strategy ERP系统对信息的使用和经营战略的影响 Executive Summary 执行摘要

论文类别:strategy人气:10657论文属性:作业 Assignment加入时间:2014-03-28免费论文 Free Thesis

英国英国 澳大利亚澳大利亚 美国美国 加拿大加拿大 新西兰新西兰 新加坡新加坡 香港香港 日本日本 韩国韩国 法国法国 德国德国 爱尔兰爱尔兰 瑞士瑞士 荷兰荷兰 俄罗斯俄罗斯 西班牙西班牙 马来西亚马来西亚 南非南非