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121.unit nineteen chernobyl “fall – out” on oral h..[内容预览]2009-12-08

P. A. Leous Poor oral hygiene, high prevalence of periodontal disease, and lack of dental service are current feature of oral health among people living in areas of Belarus contaminated by the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Her state of

论文类别:英语阅读人气:4862论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-12-08免费论文 Free Thesis


论文类别:初中英语教学人气:1687论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-09-07免费论文 Free Thesis

123.study on rules of chinese internet news edit[内容预览]2009-06-30

1. The Research Topic Internet media---- a new media appearing in the end of last century, was called the "fourth media" following the press, radio, television. Its appearance brings the profound changes to communication field. "Network news editing science” is an important and practical aspect

论文类别:media management人气:4211论文属性:调研报告 Research Proposal加入时间:2009-06-30原创论文 Original thesis

124.evaluate the balance of people, planet and profit[内容预览]2009-06-01

background of ecotourism:For a long time, people always regard the development of tourism as an economic activity, and emphasize on the pursuit of its economic benefits, but relatively neglect the prevalence impact of tourism on the environment (Brandon, 2003). The serious damage of tourism to the

论文类别:Social Studies人气:2841论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2009-06-01原创论文 Original thesis

125.culture conflict influences on uk internet learnin..[内容预览]2009-05-30

Introduction:The intention of this paper is to critically discuss the culture conflict in internet learning and how to deal with these issues of cross-culture conflict. More specifically, this paper will firstly discuss the pros and cons of internet learning. A further dimension of this paper will

论文类别:Social Studies人气:3547论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2009-05-30原创论文 Original thesis

126.english teaching and learning in secondary schools..[内容预览]2009-05-12

Abstract The 21st century is an information age which symbolizes the humanity stride in the epoch. The most remarkable characteristic of this age is the rapid development and popularity of the network. Internet is affecting and changing people’s study and work method at an unprecedented speed. Acc

论文类别:Education人气:4729论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-05-12原创论文 Original thesis

127.关于澳洲internet law的案例分析[内容预览]2009-04-25

Answer 1 There are a number of issues that need to be dealt with and I will address each one in turn below. A. Spam 1. Through holding a number of activities, .................................................................................... 2. The owner of cheeseoftheworld.com obtained a l

论文类别:International Business Law人气:4630论文属性:案例分析 Case Study加入时间:2009-04-25原创论文 Original thesis

128.计算机英语论文new technique of the computer networ..[内容预览]2009-04-15

Abstract The 21 century is an ages of the information economy, being the computer network technique of representative techniques this ages, will be at very fast speed develop soon in continuously creatively, and will go deep into the people's work, life and study. Therefore, control this technique

论文类别:Computing and Mathematics人气:18916论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-04-15免费论文 Free Thesis

129.infringing and protection on privacy right in netw..[内容预览]2009-02-09

Infringing and Protection on Privacy Right in NetworkWith the popularization of internet, many companies set up their own websites. Consumers can visit these websites and obtain the information, products or services they want by registering in these websites. When registering, they always ar

论文类别:criminal law人气:5003论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-02-09原创论文 Original thesis

130.responsive supply chain:acompetitive strategy in a..[内容预览]2009-02-05

Abstract Supply chain management (SCM) has been considered as the most popular operations strategy for improving organizational competitiveness in the twenty-first century. In the early 1990s, agile manufacturing (AM) gained momentum and received due attention from both researchers and p

论文类别:strategy人气:2280论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2009-02-05原创论文 Original thesis

131.research to the impact of internet technologies on..[内容预览]2009-01-10

Chapter 1: Introduction to the problem. Finish this chapter with the main problem definition1.0 Introduction of the chapter 1.1 Development of Internet en eCommerce 1.1.1 History 1.1.2 Today's situation of internet world wide, eventually 1.1.3 Future1.2

论文类别:E-commerce and E-business人气:4200论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2009-01-10原创论文 Original thesis

132.managerial perceptions of the net benefits of fore..[内容预览]2008-12-18

Managerial Perceptions of the Net Benefits of Foreign Listing: Canadian Evidence AbstractThis study provides some insights into managerial perceptions of the costs, benefits,

论文类别:财务管理人气:2591论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay加入时间:2008-12-18收费论文 Charging Thesis

133.going public and the enrichment of a supportive ne..[内容预览]2008-12-18

ABSTRACT. Past research on initial public offerings suggeststhat the reputation of a company positively affects the successof the offering. Success is usually measured in financial termsas if the essence of the operation lay only in the short-terminflow of money.

论文类别:财务管理人气:2087论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay加入时间:2008-12-18收费论文 Charging Thesis

134.the challenge for western internet companies of en..[内容预览]2008-12-14

The Challenge for Western Internet companies of entering the Chinese Market Contents page1.Chapter one page1.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………11.2. Background…………………………

论文类别:E-commerce and E-business人气:3509论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2008-12-14原创论文 Original thesis

135.minimize denials of service (dos) attacks in wirel..[内容预览]2008-11-22

Minimize Denials of Service (DoS) attacks in wireless ad hoc network Introduction Base on 802.11 wirelesses network has expand rapidly in nowadays. It was widely used in military sectors and industrial before, but now it already used i

论文类别:Science Technology人气:3038论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2008-11-22原创论文 Original thesis

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