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91.reserve requirements: history,current practice, an..[内容预览]2008-08-22

Joshua N. Feinman, of the Board’s Division ofMonetary Affairs, prepared this article. JanaDeschler and Christoph Hinkelmann providedresearch assistance.Laws requiring banks and other depository institutionsto hold a certain fraction of their deposits inres

论文类别:财务管理人气:3923论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2008-08-22收费论文 Charging Thesis

92.managing global hospitality :choose a global hospi..[内容预览]2008-02-20

Shangri-la Hotels and Its Operation Strategy in China Market The Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is a hotel chain based in Hong Kong. It is the largest Asian-based deluxe hotel group in the region. The group started in 1971 with its first and flagship hotel in Singapore, and now has 49 deluxe hote

论文类别:Hospitality and Tourism人气:3455论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2008-02-20原创论文 Original thesis

93.corporate strategy and business analysis exam :dis..[内容预览]2008-02-18

(1) Discuss the development of Cadbury Schweppes PLC in recent years and evaluate its current competitive position. 1. Introduction Cadbury Schweppes Plc is an international company, the main production; promotion and distribution are confectionery and beverage products. The company has its he

论文类别:MBA人气:5710论文属性:考试题 Examination加入时间:2008-02-18原创论文 Original thesis

94.explain why you chose your current job. how do you..[内容预览]2008-01-03

Explain why you chose your current job. How do you see your career developing over the next five years. How will an MBA assist you in the development of these ambitions?Sometime in January 2001 I was told that a pitch effort I’d put together had been unsuccessful. Sage, the UK’s largest sof

论文类别:个人陈述人气:7553论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2008-01-03免费论文 Free Thesis

95.the family is a place in which children learn topa..[内容预览]2007-10-13

The family is a place in which children learn to interpret reality. Parents serve as significant interpreters for children of information about the world and children's abilities. They are children’s first teachers. Parents want their children to grow into socially mature individuals, and they may

论文类别:Social Studies人气:7966论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2007-10-13免费论文 Free Thesis

96.the influence of different modes of thought on tra..[内容预览]2007-07-12

ABSTRACT The Influence of Different Modes of Thought on Translation 中西思维方式差异对翻译的影响 Chen Yicong Translation is not only a process dealing with languages, but also a shifting activity between different modes of thought. The similarities in modes of thought are the basis of translating.

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:2655论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2007-07-12原创论文 Original thesis

97.smoothing and differentiation of thermogravimetric..[内容预览]2007-07-09

Smoothing and Differentiation of Thermogravimetric Data (State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, USTC, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, People ’s Republic of China) Abstract: High quality data smoothing is frequently required in the thermal analysis. In this paper, three smoothing methods are used to obta

论文类别:Science Technology人气:2001论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2007-07-09收费论文 Charging Thesis

98.how do retailing enterprises work out differential..[内容预览]2007-03-07

How do Retailing Enterprises Work out Differential Marketing Strategy by market research? 1. Introduction Great changes have taken place in domestic and international market in which enterprises make their survival after China’ s WTO Entry. In the increasing competitive context, retailing enter

论文类别:财务管理人气:3106论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2007-03-07收费论文 Charging Thesis

99.methods of competitive advantage to manage effecti..[内容预览]2007-02-06

Methods of competitive advantage to manage effectively in various countries with different cultures INTRODUCTION In today’s integrated and interdependent global economy, more and more firms do business in different countries. The increased complexity of international business environment and

论文类别:HRM - Human Resource Management人气:3967论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2007-02-06收费论文 Charging Thesis

100.is it really true that women speak differently fro..[内容预览]2007-01-05

Is It Really True That Women Speak Differently From Men? Abstract The relationship between language and gender has long been the research topic of general interest in sociolinguistics. With the growth and the development of the feminist social movement in the 1960s, western scholars and sociol

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:3642论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2007-01-05收费论文 Charging Thesis

101.character reflects one's marriage or attitudes tow..[内容预览]2006-10-25

character reflects one's marriage or attitudes towards love----- four different marriages in pride and prejudice outline thesis sentence: jane austen, by describing four different marriages in pride and prejudice, expressed her viewpoint that one’s character often reflects his or her marriage

论文类别:Literature and Language人气:4468论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-10-25原创论文 Original thesis

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