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61.people managing:group analysis report[内容预览]2008-06-01

Group Analysis Report ---Research on group roles, performance and further improvements [Summary] Group managing is a very hot and important topic in business managing field. How to improve the group performance and keep it in a state of high efficiency is always among the interests of many rese

论文类别:HRM - Human Resource Management人气:5073论文属性:报告 Report加入时间:2008-06-01原创论文 Original thesis

62.managing global hospitality :choose a global hospi..[内容预览]2008-02-20

Shangri-la Hotels and Its Operation Strategy in China Market The Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is a hotel chain based in Hong Kong. It is the largest Asian-based deluxe hotel group in the region. The group started in 1971 with its first and flagship hotel in Singapore, and now has 49 deluxe hote

论文类别:Hospitality and Tourism人气:3454论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2008-02-20原创论文 Original thesis

63.英语论文:经济学家的老化与生产力 aging and producti..[内容预览]2008-01-17

AGING AND PRODUCTIVITY AMONG ECONOMISTS Abstract--Economists' productivity over their careers and as measured by publication in leading journals declines very sharply with age. There is no difference by age in the probability that an article submitted to a leading journal will be accepted. Rate

论文类别:Economics人气:7901论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2008-01-17免费论文 Free Thesis

64.managing the development of building projects[内容预览]2008-01-17

IntroductionIt is reasonable to assume that the objective of a building project is to create the best possiblefacility for a given level of expenditure. If this is true, then the objective of management duringthe development stage of the project should be to establish an effective proje

论文类别:项目管理论文人气:3124论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2008-01-17收费论文 Charging Thesis

65.the aging of china [内容预览]2007-07-19

Section: Closing Views In ten years, the country's demographics will probably look very different. How should the government and business respond? Amid the celebration of China's economic success during the past two decades, one factor is frequently overlooked: favorable demographics. P

论文类别:Marketing人气:5393论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2007-07-19免费论文 Free Thesis

66.ubiquitous media agents for managing personal mult..[内容预览]2007-07-11

Ubiquitous Media Agents for Managing Personal Multimedia Files ABSTRACT A novel idea of ubiquitous media agents is presented. Media agents are intelligent systems that are able to automatically collect and build personalized semantic indices of multimedia data on behalf of the user whenever an

论文类别:Computing and Mathematics人气:2673论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2007-07-11收费论文 Charging Thesis

67.英国经济学硕士毕业论文:population aging and its e..[内容预览]2006-12-31

Population Aging and Its Economic Impact in the United States INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF POPULATION AGING 1.1 Defining and measuring of population aging 1.2 Determinants of population aging 1.3 Dynamics of population aging CHAPTER 2: ACTUAL SITUATION OF POPULATION AGING IN THE U

论文类别:Economics人气:4028论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2006-12-31原创论文 Original thesis

68.aging and productivity among economists[内容预览]2006-12-15

AGING AND PRODUCTIVITY AMONG ECONOMISTS Abstract--Economists' productivity over their careers and as measured by publication in leading journals declines very sharply with age. There is no difference by age in the probability that an article submitted to a leading journal will be accepted. Rates

论文类别:Social Studies人气:7362论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2006-12-15免费论文 Free Thesis

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