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marketing thesis节选:如何提高零售商的利益 [19]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2015-06-29编辑:felicia点击率:22647

论文字数:11407论文编号:org201506082114334856语种:英语 English地区:新加坡价格:免费论文



nce and behavior of employee, location and accessibility. These attributes of the store have been tested as a reflector of customer willingness to repurchase again and to pay a higher price and willingly recommend the store and promote it through positive word of mouth. The question that comes to mind now is why do customers make the decision to repurchase from the same retailer and why are they willing to pay premium price in some stores and not in others?

In answering these questions, many researchers have viewed this outcome as a measure of equity (Aaker, 1991 & 1996; Sethuraman, 2000; Sethuraman and Cole, 1997) and in a recent study by Chaudhuri and Ligas (2009) they pointed out that customer perceptions of value is composed of merchandise value store affect and attitudinal loyalty and have studied the link between them and customers willingness to pay a premium price. They found that 'providing merchandise value that creates positive affect and leads to an emotion-based bond with their consumers' (p.417) can enable retailers to obtain higher prices over their competitors. Aliawadi and Keller (2004) stated that several of the strongest retailers today are built on low price positioning strategy. They argue that brand equity for this type of retailer must be assessed in a different way than price premium.

Aliawadi and Keller (2004) conceptualized retailer equity in a different way., They suggested a 'resource premium that consumers are willing to expend in order to shop with the retailer. Resources may reflect financial considerations but also other factors such as distance traveled, brand or size preferences compromised, or service forgone' (p.340).



3.1 Chapter Introduction

This chapter deals with explaining and justifying the proposed research model and the methods used in conducting this study. The chapter starts with a problem statement followed by the research objective and methodological framework. After that, the research design will be discussed and the chapter will end with the explanation of the data analysis methods.

3.2 Problem Statement

As the number of retailers has increased and the Kuwaiti market has opened its doors to foreign competitors to enter and compete with local retailers for their customer base by offering low priced merchandise, an assessment of retailer equity other than price premium is needed.

A point is raised by Ailawadi and Keller (2004) where they witness the phenomena that “several of the strongest retailers today, e.g. Wal-Mart, Target and Aldi, are built squarely on a low price positioning” (p.340). They suggested that these retailers have brand equity that could be measured from other perspectives than customer willingness to pay a price premium by a willingness to forgo services and a willingness to sacrifice brand variety.

Since there is a lack of empirical evidence in measuring retailers' equity in other than a price premium, this study has the advantage in being the first to provi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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