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留学生英语毕业论文范文节选 [11]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-09-18编辑:yangcheng点击率:15449

论文字数:8277论文编号:org201409072322371581语种:中文 Chinese地区:新加坡价格:免费论文

关键词:新加坡留学生论文Economics Essay可持续发展经济发展


to urban centres in search of food, income and overall better livelihood opportunities. This puts pressure on urban service delivery and results in environmental health problems. [28] Due to the complexities and expense of acquiring land legally, the poor tend to have only informal tenure and hence few incentives for investment in infrastructure. While urban environment – poverty linkages are most visible in Kigali, they can also be seen to be worsening in other urban areas such as Ruhengeri Municipality, where the day time population is estimated at 200,000, although the official figure for residential population is around 44,00032. The large daytime commuter population puts a strain on the local environment and infrastructure. In Kigali, (and increasingly other growing towns such as Ruhengeri, Gisenyi, Kibungo) the main environment – poverty issues are as follows: unemployment, sanitation, water pollution, poor housing, inadequate infrastructure and waste management (industrial and domestic). [29] Rapid urbanization with limited infrastructure in place

Due to lack of employment opportunities available in rural areas, especially those which are not founded on natural resources and agriculture, many people are forced to relocate or commute to nearby towns or cities, only to find limited opportunities for unskilled, minimally trained workers. Limited access to basic resources such as adequate housing, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities further marginalizes the poor, increasing their susceptibility to disease.

Despite acknowledgement of the importance of urbanization in order to move away from a purely agricultural economy, little has been done to put in place pro-poor housing strategies, including means to formalize informal tenure arrangements or assist families to improve the housing construction standards. This is a bottleneck to improved urban environmental management, and has aggravated the problems of solid and liquid waste management, water provision, gully erosion, and risks of landslides, flooding, and collapsed housing. Disposal of medical waste is a particularly problematic area – the majority of medical facilities do not have functioning incinerators and simply burn wastes in the open or dispose of them in an open hole, without preventing access to them by the public. Land Issues

In Nyarugenge, many inhabitants have purchased land and constructed houses illegally, because the legal route is extremely long and prohibitively expensive for the average resident. As a result, up to 30 buildings are constructed on each hectare of land, and there is no effective infrastructure in place for solid and liquid waste disposal. In Nyarugenge and Biryogo sectors many houses are extremely old and require rehabilitation, but residents are unwilling to invest in this because it requires special authorization. [30] When the Kigali city plan is implemented, there is a risk that the poor residents (who form the majority of inhabitants) will have to leave their homes – this acts as a disincentive and means they are less likely to invest in environmentally-friendly construction or infrastructure.

2.8.4. National Investment Strategy

The National Investment Strategy particularly places emphasis on the support of the private sector in infrastructure development. The consolidation of efforts between Government and论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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