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“人心”无处可在却无处不在:后人类主义 视阈下《克拉拉与太阳》的人机关系分析 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2023-06-06编辑:vicky点击率:484

论文字数:论文编号:org202306011004104198语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



zed repeatedly? Fourth, how did humans and machines become indistinguishable from each other? And fifth, how should humans get along with machines or what is the expected human/machine relationship? With these questions in mind, the thesis develops five chapters and a conclusion to study the human/machine relationship from the perspective of posthumanism. 


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Overseas and Domestic Research on Kazuo Ishiguro

Ever since he published his first short story in 1981,1 Kazuo Ishiguro has arrived at his 40th year of writing career and has his eighth novel, Kalra and the Sun, published this year (2021). His debut novel received interest from overseas scholars, perhaps in part owing his Japanese face and name at a time when the literary world in the UK was “looking for other Rushdies”2 (Vorda; Herzinge; Ishiguro, 1991:134). Winning the Booker Prize in 1989 drew more attention to his works and adaptations of his novels, not least The Remains of the Day in 1993, boosted his international reputation. According to WorldCat (a database recorded books in worldwide libraries), there have been more than one hundred books including discussion of Ishiguro were published before he won the Nobel Prize in 2017. According to the ProQuest database (the largest digital dissertation database in the world), a boom in Ishiguro studies began as early as 1990. Domestic studies of Ishiguro studies were scant, but the number of academic papers mushroomed after he won the Nobel Prize. At present, domestic studies concerning Ishiguro are keeping abreast of foreign studies in terms of breadth and depth.  

Macroscopically, overseas and domestic studies concerning Kazuo Ishiguro can be roughly divided into six topics. Both domestic and overseas researchers focused on the influence of the author’s nationality. Mason (1989) studies the influence of Japanese film, especially the genre of “shomin-geki”, upon Ishiguro’s works and the Chinese critic Fan Xiaoqing (2020) illuminates Ishiguro’s international writing reflected in his works. Other popular topics include the narrative mechanism of the novels (apropos analysing his unreliable first-person narrative), postcolonialism (vis-a-vis otherness and power discourse studies), historical studies (namely historical metaphors and new historicism studies), psychological analyses (encompassing memory, identify and trauma analysis) and ethics (in the form of literary ethics, technology ethics and posthuman ethics). 

2.2 Overseas and Domestic Research on the Human/Machine Relationship

Considering machines as inorganic technological products, studies of the human/machine relationship studies are indeed interdisciplinary research that discuss the human/nonhuman and human/technology relationship. In the field of machinery and computer science, research into the human/machine relationship has mainly focused on how machines can be designed to better serve humans. In the field of the humanities and social sciences, cultural studies concerning the human/machine relationship have a long yet intermittent history before the 21th century. At the same time, sporadic philosophical ideas contributed to the study in field of technological philosophy. This thesis mainly concentrates on studies in the field of the humanities and social sciences, w论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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