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留学生英语毕业论文范文节选 [16]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-09-18编辑:yangcheng点击率:15451

论文字数:8277论文编号:org201409072322371581语种:中文 Chinese地区:新加坡价格:免费论文

关键词:新加坡留学生论文Economics Essay可持续发展经济发展


s on financing projects geared towards rural development, since 90% of the Rwandan population is rural. A new subsidiary have been created

2.11.1. Sectors of operation

Rwanda Development Bank operates in all sectors of productive investment that generate value addition with positive social, economic and environmental impact aligned both with national strategies and the Bank’s strategic priorities. The sectors include the following:

Agriculture & livestock;

Manufacturing industry;

Education and Health care;

Energy and Water;

Hotel and Tourism;


Transport and related facilities;


Real Estate


2.11.2.Products & Facilities

The Rwanda Development Bank put great products in front of their customers. These Products are:


Trade Finance;



Deposit Taking;


Mortgage Financing;

Capacity Building &


Salary advance

Temporary overdraft

Home equipment Financing

Vehicle loans


To bring services closer to the people, the bank maintains branches at the following locations: [3]

Main Branch - Kigali

Kayonza Branch - Kayonza, Eastern Rwanda

Musanze Branch - Musanze, Northern Rwanda

Karongi Branch - Karongi, Western Rwanda

Huye Branch - Huye, Southern Rwanda

2.11.4. Vision , mission and core

Vision: To be the Leader of productive investment and the most profitable Bank at the service of poverty reduction.

Mission: The Government of Rwanda’s investment arm that finances the nation’s development objectives with a focus on the priority sectors of the economy

Core Values

Professionalism: BRD staff has to be highly qualified, motivated with respect to the professional ethics

Quality of the service: The quality of the service provided by BRD has to go beyond the customers’ expectations

Efficiency and effectiveness: The Bank has to set up clear and measurable objectives in term of the portfolio quality and growth as well profitability of all its operations.

Innovation: The bank has to be innovative and dynamic, in order to provide good financing tools or products, and financing conditions to the customers.


The process of urbanization is a driving force of economic development where it can yield tangible results as long as it is controlled, planned and directed in line with accepted standards and norms. It must be implemented within the framework of sustainable development while meeting the needs of the people and contributing to their social and economic development with due regard to environmental sustainability.

The implementation of a National Urban Housing Policy depend on the increase of tax revenue from the communities, the transfer of government resources and the capacity of cities to conceive and implement development strategies. It is important to emphasize on resource mobilization in order to 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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