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英语在中国:从中国式英语向中国英语转化 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-07-15编辑:lgg点击率:4362

论文字数:39120论文编号:org201307151544535208语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



novel, which helps him win plenty of readers.
Language embraces individualization and diversity, only if it can satisfy people'sbasic communication needs. People usually are unaware of the differences of others' useof language, especially in oral communication. They are tolerant of others' mistakes.When using foreign languages to communicate, native speakers often turn a blind eye toforeign speakers' mistakes in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, but pay moreattention to foreign speakers' language content. Those who are familiar with the two languages, especially foreign language teachers, are most likely to notice the "mistakes".Of course, students should learn to use the current Standard English; the relevantdepartments shall assist regulation of the use of Standard English. As a kind ofinteresting cultural phenomenon appeared in the blend of Chinese and foreign cultures,Chinese English will irreversibly continue to thrive in people's tolerance and accusation.It will be accepted more or less in certain conditions and become part of English.To sum up, the distinction between China English and Chinglish is not so clear;they are part of a continuum. It is obvious that part of Chinese English will betransformed into China English and be accepted by English speakers,although this kindof transformation is limited. There must be 25,000 times quotation of a new Englishword before it is accepted in the English world, or it must be quoted by books,newspapers, journals, network, blogs,community media, and more than 75,000 globaland electronic media. Study of Chinese English shall be based on dynamic look at bothof them, and the key of the study is to understand the limited transformation fromChinese English to China English.

[1 ] Crystal David The Future of www.51lunwen.org/englishpaperguide/ Englishes [J] English Today 58,No.2. Cambridge
[2] Odlin, Terence Language Transfer [M] Cambridge University Press, 1994
[6]姜亚军 Chinglish and China English[J]English Today,vol. 11 No.l Jan. 1995, (1)
[8]张培成使用目的与国别变体:也谈中国英语[J]现代外语,1995, (3)
[9]姜亚军近三十年World Englishes研究述评[J]外语教学与研究,1995, (3)


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