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中国英语学习者话语标记语与语境的使用情况 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-13编辑:hynh1021点击率:5763

论文字数:28600论文编号:org201212112012475740语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



composed of Five Chapters. They are: introduction, review ofrelevant literature,an adaptation interpretation of discourse markers, results anddiscussion, and conclusion. Among these, the third and fourth parts are the main partsof the dissertation.

  1.3 The Outline of the Present Study目前研究的大纲
  Chapter One uses some instances of discourse marker collected from BritishNational Corpus and gives a very concise introduction to it. It also expoundssignificance and objectives of the present research.Chapter Two presents definitions of discourse markers made by previousresearchers. After that, it illustrates the classifications of discourse markers along withsome functions of them. In this chapter, foreign and domestic related researches ondiscourse markers are also reviewed.Chapter three involves studies on discourse markers in detail. It deals with thetheory and methodology of the study, presenting the data material employed in thisstudy, tools used in the study, data collection and analysis procedures.Chapter Four reports the results of the study, and then it discusses them inrelation to linguistic adaptation theory by using typical examples. The dynamics andfunctions of the use of discourse markers are explained by analyzing the linguisticprocess of adaptation.Chapter Five refers to the conclusion of the whole dissertation. It summarizes themajor findings of the study and points out pedagogical implications for languageteaching and learning. Also it makes some suggestions for further studies.

  Chapter 3 The Methodology of the Study......................................... 44-48
      3.1 The Research Methodology........................................ 44
      3.2 Data Collection and Process Tools........................................ 44-46
          3.2.1 Concordance Software........................................ 44-45
          3.2.2 Proportion Calculato........................................r 45
          3.2.3 A Brief Introduction of Corpus ........................................45-46
      3.3 Research Questions of Present Study........................................ 46-47
      3.4 Procedures of the Research........................................ 47-48
  Chapter 4 Results and Discussion........................................ 48-81
      4.1 The Frequencies of Discourse Markers ........................................ 48-51
      4.2 The Category Distribution of Discourse ........................................ 51-55
          4.2.1 The Category Distribution of........................................ 51-53
          4.2.2 The Category Distribution of ........................................ 53-55
      4.3 The Most and Least Frequently used ........................................55-57
      4.4 The Differences between Chinese English Learners ........................................ 57-69
          4.4.1 A Detailed Analysis on Discourse Maker And........................................ 57-59

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