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如何写申请信?_申请新加坡南洋理工大学申请注意事宜_Referee_report_ National University of Singapore


论文字数:451论文编号:org201106141419095737语种:英语 English地区:马来西亚价格:免费论文



Referee_Report_2007 – National University of Singapore

Referee 1 – Professor Lu Jiahua

2. In what specific capacity have you known the applicant?
1) 如何写申请信?Learning ability: the applicant had brilliant performance at school;
2) Confidence and competence: the applicant was able to deliver a speech in front of hundreds of students;
3) Problem-solving ability: this had been demonstrated in his study and participation in school activities;
4) Analytical ability: the applicant demonstrated his powerful analytical ability in his completion of his school assignment and the way he solved problems;
5) Creative ability: the applicant organized an interesting Christmas party with original ideas that created a sweet memory for everyone in the party. 

5. In your opinion, what is the candidate’s leadership potential for the next five years?
He has displayed great potentials for leadership roles in his performance in the school debate. He led his team to the final success with his wisdom. He was one of the leaders in our university’s student union and led his team organized many interesting and meaningful activities for the students. This has been verified by his achievements in his work. With his work experience, I believe he will do better in the future.

6. Please provide three most memorable achievements the applicant attained in your company.
1) Academic credentials: he has been hardworking and excelled his fellow students in school work;
2) Performance at School debate: his analytical ability was fully displayed in this debate;
3) Efforts for plane model competition: the applicant helped the student union to get a sponsor for the plane model competition in his junior year. The competition was a success and awarded with a prize of “Top 10 Model Activities by Undergraduate in Shanghai”. The applicant had played an important role in this activity by being a contact between the Students Union and the sponsor.

8. From what you understand of the applicant, what are his/her main motivations or interests in life?
The applicant is interested in making new friends and getting to know different people. His aspiration for knowledge also motivates him to bridge his knowledge gap through hard work and continuous learning. 

Referee 2 – Dr. Li Yiqing
2. In what specific capacity have you known the applicant?
I got to know his work capacity when we worked together for a Logistics project. He is meticulous and responsible. He has strong sense of humor 如何写申请信?and always brings laughter to us. He is a good communicator and joyful team player.

5. In your opinion, what is the candidate’s leadership potential for the next five years?
He has demonstrated a great potential in leadership roles in the completion of the above mentioned project. He solved each adverse problem with tactics and
led his team composed of seven co-workers to fulfill their work on time or ahead of schedule sometimes with good quality. He has gained lots of management and leadership skills through his work. He will become a good leader with his wisdom and creativity.

6. Please provide three most memorable achievements the applicant attained in your company.
1) Contributing to financial budget analysis: the applicant discovered many details we missed which helped to improved the accuracy of budget analysis for our logistics project;
2) Gaining warehouse construction knowledge论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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