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BBC英语新闻2012年4月27日(2) [2]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:考试题 Examination登出时间:2012-05-02编辑:qiuqin点击率:2407

论文字数:4184论文编号:org201205021028575483语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



ncelled his attendance at the Summit of the Americas underway in Colombia, citing health reasons. The Venezuelan foreign minister said Mr Chavez would instead travel to Cuba for a third round of radiotherapy later on Saturday.


Mr Chavez had surgery in February to remove a malignant tumour from his pelvic region. On Friday, Mr Chavez told his supporters that he was doing well but that the radiotherapy was, as he put it, having an impact.


The Italian football federation has called off all league games this weekend following the death of a player. A midfielder for Livorno collapsed during a match. Alan Johnston is in Rome.


Piermario Morosini's last moments came in a very public setting. His side was winning a televised match against Pescara. Then after about half an hour, the midfielder suddenly collapsed. The cameras showed him try to stagger to his feet at least twice, then fall for the last time.


Other players quickly realised that something was terribly wrong, and medical staff frantically tried to revive the player on the grass. He was sped away to hospital in an ambulance, but it was announced that he had died of a heart attack.


One of the major events in the British horse racing calendar, the Grand National, has been won by Neptune Collonges ridden by Daryl Jacob.


The grey horse beat Sunnyhillboy in a photo finish. Millions of television viewers around the world watched the 40 runners and riders compete at Aintree in the northwest of England. The 7km-long steeplechase was modified slightly after two horses died in last year's race. But despite the changes, two horses still suffered fatal injuries during the race this year.





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