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VOA英语新闻听力2012年5月24日 [3]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:考试题 Examination登出时间:2012-06-13编辑:qiuqin点击率:3651

论文字数:9069论文编号:org201206130938201463语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



other candidates were Ronald Reagan, the governor of California, and Nelson Rockefeller, the governor of New York.

A huge banner reading "Nixon's the one" is stretched across Chestnut Street in Philadelphia in September, 1968, during the reception


for the Republican presidential candidate. Pat Nixon rode in the car with her husband
On the first ballot, Nixon received more than twice as many votes as Rockefeller. Reagan was far behind. Most of the delegates then gave their support to Nixon, and he accepted the nomination.


Spiro Agnew, the governor of Maryland, became the nominee for vice president.


The Democratic convention was very different from the Republican one. The Democrats were the party in power. Protests against the war in Vietnam were aimed at them.


SOUND: Chicago crowds chanting "Peace Now"


Thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Chicago where the Democratic convention took place.


SOUND: More crowd noise + MUSIC


The city's mayor, Richard Daley, ordered the police to deal with them severely. Many of the young protesters were beaten.


The Federal Government later ordered an investigation. The report said the riots in Chicago were a result of the actions of the police themselves.


Inside the convention building, the delegates voted for their nominee. They did not choose the candidate who had done so well in the early primaries, Eugene McCarthy. Instead, they chose the more traditional candidate, Hubert Humphrey.


VICE PRESIDENT HUBERT HUMPHREY: "Surely, we have now learned the lesson that violence breeds counter-violence, and it cannot be condoned, whatever the source."


The vice presidential candidate was Edmund Muskie, a senator from Maine.


In the general election campaign, Nixon and Humphrey both supported American involvement in Vietnam. But both of them also talked about finding ways to end the conflict. And they talked about finding ways to end the social unrest in the United States.


Many voters saw little difference between the two candidates.


A third candidate in the race was the governor of Alabama, George Wallace. As governor, Wallace opposed federal efforts to end racial separation in the South. He attempted to block the court-ordered registration of two black students at the University of Alabama in nineteen sixty-three. At that time, the university accepted only white students. The two were later admitted under federal protection.


Wallace campaigned as the candidate of the American Independent Party. He denounced the federal courts as well as communism and what he called the "eastern establishment" in the United States. Many conservative, working-class Americans agreed with him and supported his campaign.


About six weeks before Election Day, public opinion surveys showed that Nixon and Humphrey were very close. Nixon's major problem was his past. He had made enemies during his early political life. Humphrey's major problem was his current job as vice president to an increasingly unpopular president.


About a month before the election, Humphrey said the United States would halt bombing in North Vietnam. But Pre论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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