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中国英语专业本科写作时在并列连词的使用——并列连词研究论文 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-21编辑:hynh1021点击率:5208

论文字数:22900论文编号:org201212182100248582语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



he coordinating conjunction AND in Chinese undergraduate English Majors'writings and give some pedagogical implications on the bases of theories ofinterlanguage, language transfer and error analysis.

1.2 Purpose and significance of the study研究的意义和目的
According to the examination outline, TEM-8 examination committee formulatesa specific scoring criterion. It is divided into 5 grades. As for the criterion ofcoherence, composition should have clear and reasonable connection between parts. Asentence is coherent when its words or parts are properly connected and theirrelationships unmistakably clear. However, most English Majors lack ofconsciousness to organize their compositions logically and coherently. What a numberof students usually do is to translate the writing material provided into Englishsentences. Research has revealed that students' writings focus almost completely onthe word and sentence levels rather than the level of the whole discourse such as theteachers to change the teaching method on conjunctions in writing. Thirdly, it canmake people realize the necessary to adjust the English teaching materials for collegestudents. Based on these three points, it can improve the entire level of our Chinesecollege English writing.

1.3 Research questions研究问题
There has been a growing interest in the study of conjunctions as they aresignificant not only for the development of text linguistics, but also for its practicalapplication in language teaching,especially in English teaching in China. Byanalyzing the use of the word AND by Chinese undergraduate English majors,thispaper focuses on finding out the general characteristics of a coordinating conjunctionbased on the theoretical and empirical studies. With the above-mentioned rationale,the study will focus on the following three research questions:1. What are the general characteristics of Chinese undergraduate English Majors' useof the coordinating conjunction AND in their writings?2. Why do Chinese undergraduate English Majors have some improper uses of thecoordinating conjunction AND in their writings?3. What are the pedagogical implications for English writing teaching inuniversities?

1.4 Organization of this thesis论文结构
This thesis mainly includes five chapters. They are presented as follows:Chapter One provides the background, the purpose and the significance of theresearch, besides, research questions and the outline of the thesis also included in thischapter.Chapter Two makes a general review on conjunctions and data analysis theories.The definitions, functions and classifications of conjunctions are introduced first,andthen the introduction of data analysis theories,as well as previous studies related tothe present study.Chapter Three introduces research methodology from the following aspects:method and instrument used in this study, then the brief introduction of data collectionprocedures.Chapter Four reports and discuss the data of the study according to the researchquestions. The researcher will first find out the general characteristics of Chineseundergraduate English Majors' use of the coordinating conjunction AND in theirwritings, and then discuss to explore the possible causes for some improper uses ofthe coordinating conjunction AND in their writings.Chapter Five summarizes the findings in terms of the research questions and thengives som论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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