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比较传统英语教育与在线英语教育的不同点 [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-02-04编辑:lisa点击率:14265

论文字数:5000论文编号:org201002040953081559语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


vantages, and Online English Education has its disadvantages as well. Teachers should try their best to integrate the both together in their teaching. Only in this way can our country foster the young who are full of creativeness and innovation, which is also one policy of Chinese education.

I. Analysis of Traditional English Education and Online English Education
The Traditional English Education in our country is based on the Classroom English Language Teaching. This English Educational pattern can be generalized as textbook-centered. In a most common English class, a teacher usually starts with explaining the new words and phrases of a text, and then the content in the text. After analyzing the text, the teacher may give some assignments involving in the text for students and finally correct their homework. That’s how teacher organizes the class using a textbook in a classroom.
A. Some Problems in Traditional English Education
1. Lack of Natural Language Environment
As for this traditional pattern, there exist some problems in teaching. For example, the students study English without a natural language environment,their own native tongue always interrupt them.
2. The Limitation of English Learning
The ways of English studying are limited in one or two books, such as the grammatical book, the reading and writing book and so on, which let the learners spontaneously think that the learning of English is just the reciting of grammars and vocabularies. How boring this studying way is!
Furthermore, the traditional pattern 本论文英语论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供of English teaching is still focusing on examination. The knowledge about English language and background is very little, which causes a lack of cultural knowledge. So the learners cannot understand English in the whole facets and they cannot master the concrete language points flexibly.
3. All the Class under the Teacher’s Control
In the class, the teacher’s words are all right. The students are absolutely under the teacher's control. In this pattern, there is no way to distinguish teaching from learning because students’ learning activities are involved in teacher’s teaching activities. A great problem arising from this kind of education pattern is that students are used to waiting for learning knowledge instead of producing new things actively.
Of course, this does not mean we should not use any Traditional English Education. Otherwise, the Traditional English Education also has some advantages.
B. The Advantages of the Traditional English Education
1. Easily Acceptation to the Old or Middle Aged Teachers
The old or middle age teachers can easily accept it. Now, in the junior or senior school, there are so many old teachers who have got enough experience in the teaching, but the fast development of the society and the reform of the education systems make them in the trouble. They suddenly don’t know what to do in the classroom and they are puzzled to face the computer. So it needs time for Online English Education to transform from Traditional English Education.
2. Making the Students Know More about the Textbook
At present, the government changes the traditional idea in the education, and takes the quality of the education as the most important aim, develops the students’ ability in the filed of the morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetic and labor. However, at the same time, we must get good grade or entry a famous univ论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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