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英语写作教学在高职教育中的现状分析 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-11-05编辑:hynh1021点击率:6080

论文字数:22600论文编号:org201210212219209189语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



...  19-20
        2.1.2 Classifications of ......................  20-23
        2.1.3 Characteristics of ......................  23
        2.1.4 Functions of Lexical ......................  23-27
    2.2 The Lexical-chunk Approach ...................... 27-31
        2.2.1 The Lexical-chunk Approach ......................  28-30
        2.2.2 The Study about Lexical-chunk ......................  30-31
    2.3 Teaching Written Discourse with the...................... 31-33
        2.3.1 Sentence-based Perspective......................  31-32
        2.3.2 Process-centered Discourse ......................  32
        2.3.3 Views on Teaching Written ......................  32-33
  2.4 Summary ...................... 33-35

  Chapter Six Conclusion
  6.1 The Advantages of the Lexical-chunk Approach
  From the empirical experiment, it can be concluded that the lexical-chunk approachcontributes to the writing in EFL. The author mainly concludes its advantages as follows.The lexical approach places “much greater emphasis on students’ building a largevocabulary much more quickly than in any traditional syllabus” (Lewis, 1993). Lexical chunksare multi-word items, which are much larger than individual words. When students rememberlots of chunks, their vocabulary will be enlarged further, not just some isolated words. Inaddition, some longer word strings are found to be difficult to be memorized for students.Lexical chunks are associated with the functional usage of language and generally occur incertain contexts. It is easier for students to understand and remember. Such kind of memorizinghelps to build up a long-term memory (Wu & Wang, 2002).With the traditional teachingapproaches, students always feel memorizing words is such a hard and boring task. But withthe help of lexical-chunk approach, vocabulary learning becomes easier and interesting.Many studies have shown that Chinese students often use large amount of interlanguage inEnglish learning. They usually simply transfer from Chinese to English. Wen (2003) finds that34.14% of the mistakes are made due to the wrong knowledge of the words. Take the writingsof CG for an example. Although students also used a few lexical chunks, their languageappeared not so idiomatically. There are a lot of grammatical and lexical errors in chunk using.The author has found that students often translate Chinese into English word by word to finish acomposition. The main reason is that they are lack of native-like language. While, lexicalchunks, as a basic unit, can well stop the students from the interference of Chinese, avoid usingthe interlanguage and make their writings more coherent.

  6.2 Pedagogical Implications


As known, the importance of English is always emphasized in classes in order to arousestudents’ interest in English learning. However, students still find it difficult to learn it well,especially English writings. In the study, the lexical-ch论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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