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缓解高职院校英语教师职业倦怠的策略研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-12编辑:hynh1021点击率:4357

论文字数:15600论文编号:org201212082220377335语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Significance of the Study研究的意义
English is an important basic and compulsory course for every profession in advancedvocational colleges, for English teaching can improve the students' quality at full scale, whichis not only very significant for the students to broaden their horizons, and to keep the wholeworld in view as well as to form comprehensive professional ability, but also is veryimportant for their further study and development. Therefore, for those teachers sufferingfrom burnout,it is without saying that it's impossible to achieve such teaching goals.What leads to teacher bumout in vocational colleges? And what should be done toalleviate their bumout? Unfortunately, most researches on teacher bumout are mainly focusedon the primary and secondary school teachers. Few researches on burnout lay their emphasison the teachers in vocational colleges,especially English teachers. Therefore,the writercarried out some surveys of English teacher bumout in Ankang Vocational Technical College.Taking this college for example, the writer has tried to find out the reasons for Englishteacher bumout by taking the analysis of the present English teaching conditions invocational colleges as the point of departure, and to put forward some countermeasures torelieve English teacher bumout thus to improve English teaching in vocational colleges andto make some contribution to the research in this field. In this sense, the present study is ofcomparatively speaking theoretical and practical significance.


13 Structure of the Study研究结构
This paper is made up of five chapters. Chapter One consists of the introduction to thestudy, the significance of the study and the structure of the study. Chapter Two makes areview of the related research home and abroad about burnout and teacher burnout and alsopresents the theoretical base of the study. Chapter Three is a study on Ankang VocationalTechnical College. Chapter Four puts forward the approaches to relieving English teacherburnout. Chapter Five is the last part, which presents the conclusions and limitations of thestudy.


Chapter Three Study on Teacher Burnout.... ....................................19-31
    3.1 Research Subjects... ................................... 19-20
    3.2 Research Instruments... ................................... 20-21
        3.2.1 The questionnaire... ................................... 20-21
        3.2.2 The interview... ................................... 21
    3.3 Findings... ................................... 21-31
        3.3.1 Burnout Degree of the Participants ... ...................................21-23
        3.3.2 Causes of English Teacher Burnout... ...................................23-31
   The Teachers' Conditions... ................................... 24-25
   The Students' Condition ... ...................................25-28
   Teaching Materials... ................................... 28-29

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