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图式理念在高校英语系自主听力练习之应用 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-03-18编辑:lgg点击率:4705

论文字数:38400论文编号:org201308271034268837语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:The deficiencies mentioned above indicate that learners can hardly improve theircomprehension without proper instruction. In short, learners have trouble improving theirlistening proficiency efficiently and some teachers and textbook writers fail to put thescholars' achievements into practice.

bsp;   3.1.1 Material........... 20
        3.1.2 Listener ...........20-21
    3.2 The reasons that listening is affected........... 21-22
    3.3 Effective listening based on Schema Theory........... 22-25
        3.3.1 Activating background knowledge........... 22-23
        3.3.2 Predicting meaning to assist the listening process........... 23
        3.3.3 Helping remembering ...........23-25
Chapter Four Experiment on the Application of Schema Theory........... 25-30
    4.1 Introduction ...........25
    4.2 Subjects ...........25-26
        4.2.1 Learning experience........... 25
        4.2.2 Listening strategies...........25
        4.2.3 Listening proficiency........... 25-26
    4.3 Data collection methods ...........26
        4.3.1 The questionnaire........... 26
        4.3.2 The reflection sheets........... 26
    4.4 Materials and Testing procedures........... 26-30
        4.4.1 Listening materials...........26-27
        4.4.2 Procedures ...........27-30
Chapter Five Results and discussion........... 30-36
    5.1 Data collected in the training process...........30-33
        5.1.1 The listening material about Hemingway ...........30-31
        5.1.2 The listening material about weather forecast ...........31-32
        5.1.3 The repetition practice material........... 32-33
    5.2 Data collected in the pre-test and the post-test........... 33-36
        5.2.1 The findings ...........33
        5.2.2 Discussion ...........33-36


Because listening materials are never completely explicit, listeners must rely on existingschemata to provide plausible interpretation. Yet,there is much evidence that good and poorlisteners do not always use schemata appropriately or are unaware of whether the informationthey are listening is consistent with their existing prior knowledge. Also, there is evidence thatstudents do not spontaneously use schemas while their listening will not perform well.In the experiment, the CG and EG handled the information in different ways in the tests. Inthe pre-test, all the participants in CG and EG tried to draw the answers directly from the textsand did not try to activate their existing schema to make use of their background knowledge,For example, Text 2 is a brief introduction to the wedding customs in the US. On hearing thetitle, The American Wedding Customs,the listeners are bound to have a picture of wedding intheir mind, the situation that they are very familiar of. Then something concerning thewedding ceremony is bound to emerge. However, for most listeners, they论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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