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大学英语诵读教学之形成化评估应用 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-04-18编辑:lgg点击率:3538

论文字数:38620论文编号:org201404181227116301语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:Some people have now come to realize the negative influence of using summativeassessment only. Because of the overemphasis on the scores of assessment, some students whoget high marks may be encouraged to leam, while a lot of students who get low marks will bediscouraged to leam.

/> Chapter Five Conclusions.......... 45
5.1 Major Findings ..........45
5.1.1 Facilitating Students' Reading Ability.......... 45
5.1.2 Improve Students' Attitude and Learning Habits .......... 46
5.1.3 Students' Attitude and Habits Have Positive..........48
5.2 Implications.......... 48
5.3 Limitations of the Study.......... 52
5.4 Summary ..........53

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.1 Analysis Methods
The statistical analysis software SPSS 17.0 is used to analyze the data collected. Thestatistical methods to analyze data are analysis of mean scores, standard deviation, independentsamples T-test,paired samples T-test and correlation analysis. From questionnaire 1,the dataare collected and analyzed to help the teacher better design and conduct the experiment. Datafrom questionnaire 1 and questionnaire 2 are compared to find out if there is statisticsignificance in the experimental group in their attitude towards reading and their learninghabits before and after the experiment. The data from pre-test are analyzed to find out whetherthe two groups have statistical significance in their English reading achievement before thepractice of formative assessment. The data from post-test are analyzed to find out whether thetwo groups have statistical significance in their English reading achievement after the practiceof formative assessment. Data obtained from both pre-test and post-test are compared to findout whether there is statistical significance between the pre-test and the post-test of the twogroups and which group is better in their English reading achievements. Data obtained fromquestionnaire 2 and post-test are analyzed to find out whether students' attitude and learninghabits toward English reading have positive correlation with their achievement. Theinformation obtained from observation and informal interview are used to help the teachersbetter know about the students and make proper adjustment in the class. The information getfrom formal interview is used to know about students' attitude towards formative assessment.


Formative assessment, different from summative assessment, is learner-centered andprocess-focused. Through the application of formative assessment in the whole semester, thethree hypotheses raised have been confirmed to some extent. The findings of the study can besummarized as follows: From the above discussion, a conclusion can be drawn on the following basis thatformative assessment can facilitate students' English reading ability.First, the independent sample test of pre-test between controlled group and experimentalgroup shows the Sig. is 0.882 which is higher than 0.05. So before the application of formativeassessment, the two groups are at the same level in English reading ability. The independentsample test of post-test between the two groups shows the Sig. is 0.082, higher than 0.05,butmuch lower than 0.882. What's more, the mean score of experimental group is 73.00; the meanscore of controlled group is 68.18. So the achievement of experimental group is better than thecontrolled group. That is to say, students in experimental group make more progress thanstudents in controlled group.
Reference (omitted)


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