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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-06-17编辑:lgg点击率:3376

论文字数:36100论文编号:org201406171147386435语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:The significance of this thesis is that it tries to find the reason why Chinesestudents frequently cause anaphoric errors and puts forward some teaching suggestions.

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 A Brief Introduction to Anaphora
A growing awareness of the importance and problems of anaphora is enhanced inEnglish learning and teaching. The necessity of anaphora in English learning andteaching is stressed and widely acknowledged today. Anaphora is of particularimportance for learners striving for a high degree of competence in FL, but they arealso of some significance for learners with less ambitious aspirations, as they not onlyenhance accuracy but also conciseness. Anaphora is a pervasive phenomenon. The notion of anaphora is used mostfrequently by theoretical linguists to refer to any case where two nominal expressionsare assigned the same referential value or range. Anaphora has been the hotspot in thepast thirty years and linguistic experts work in so many different aspects within orabout the field of anaphora because it is of great importance in understanding themeaning of discourse and in making use of a theory of grammar.Most of nouns can be replaced by anaphors, which make the writing more concise.However, one of the obstacles to ESL (English as second language) learners is thatthey lack of the competence in using anaphora, and anaphora has often beenconsidered a problematic area of ESL learners. The problem of anaphora is oftenreflected in the unnatural expressions which contain the right antecedent but aninappropriate anaphor. Learners often use inappropriate anaphors when they choose touse Reference words in their writing.

1.2 Significance and Research Methods of the thesis
The significance of this thesis is that it tries to find the reason why Chinesestudents frequently cause anaphoric errors and puts forward some teaching suggestions.It is expected that this study can provide reference for the teaching and learning ofanaphora and the related further study.The thesis is mainly based on the corpora, CLEC and Cecorpus. As for studies ofanaphora, it is seldom to use the corpora tool to have an empirical research. Previousstudies mainly focus on the theoretical analysis, which are mentioned in the literaturereview, that is, the formal syntactic approach, the discourse functional approach, andthe pure cognitive approach. The thesis analyzes the anaphoric errors made by Chineselearners of English according to the classification of errors provided by CLEC andattempts to find the common feature of these anaphoric errors. More importantly, thethesis accounts for the reason why these anaphoric errors are made and proposes theeffective solution. To testify whether the solution is effective or not, a teachingexperiment needs designing. Besides, some of the materials in this study is a little outof date. The teaching experiment collects new data at the present to make up thedeficiency. However, the main body of this thesis is still the corpus study, and theteaching experiment is just used as a supplement instead of the leading role. This is theplace where the thesis is different from the others. Usually the paper ends with thesuggestions for teaching and learning, scarcely having an experiment to do furtherconfirmation. This is the innovation of this thesis, to say the least.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Major Concepts Concerning Anaphora
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