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关于融资领域“歧视性对待”现象的分析 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2013-10-29编辑:yangcheng点击率:3255

论文字数:1321论文编号:org201310200909165427语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



uditing and asset assessment fee is spending a small fortune . In the United States , generally speaking , successful traded after a corporate annual maintenance cost of approximately 300,000 to 500,000 U.S. dollars , the cost of maintaining such a high for small companies is a great burden. In addition, after the listing of listed companies in order to maintain the image , but also in public relations, publicity, put a lot of expenses .

For example, US-listed companies to maintain $ 50 million if you can not ( 350 million yuan ) more than the market value , bear the maintenance costs after the listing is very difficult. Few Chinese companies listed overseas as the "misappropriating ", once raise funds , any change in the use of funds , promises to investors. In the U.S., the stock price below $ 3 is considered junk stocks , while in the U.S. listed Chinese companies share price above $ 3 a relatively small proportion , there are many long-term or even less than $ 1 . Therefore, Chinese enterprises listing plans, must develop a long-term capital market development plan. If the business growth is poor, insufficient growth potential , even if successful listing , it can not sustain long-term capital market financing channels , but also pay high annual audit fees , it is not worth the candle .

As most of the private enterprises lack of experienced personnel listed , so Chinese enterprises to go overseas listed first need to have a complete familiarity overseas markets standardized procedures and processes with the help of investment banks . However, intermediaries are often mixed, some investment banks may not be entirely suitable for this operational framework for enterprises, fierce competition among investment banks , in order to attract more customers, there will be some hidden behavior , these will become a potential future threat. Some agencies also took the opportunity to handle formalities for overseas listing of domestic enterprises assets " predatory ." There are some agencies do not charge a fee claimed outset , only a part of shares held by domestic enterprises , but overseas listing, the shares held by intermediaries cash immediately , and then fled the day . Since a large number of intermediaries equity cash, itself will suppress the price , coupled with often sold stake after the agency no longer be maintained on listed stocks , the stock may plummet.

In addition, the number of detractors agency use of domestic SMEs especially in economically backward western companies do not understand the overseas capital markets as well as the factors listed eager , to confuse the concept of Nasdaq and the OTCBB , the OTCBB market equivalent to the U.S. NASDAQ. In the U.S. stock market , OTCBB listed conditions is low. Thus, there is little on the OTCBB large institutional investors, and many more small funds and individual investors dominated , its stock is illiquid , more than half of the stock is in a stopped state trading ,
The average price of less than $ 0.1 . From a cost perspective, this is just a shell company the lowest price five or six million dollars, some agency specializes in buying this shell company , then hands down an unfamiliar country to sell high .

There are many intermediary companies to corporate commitment: "We are the first designed for the enterprise market, and then refinance ." But is this the first listing , the financing p论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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