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论文字数:10706论文编号:org201204081612437238语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



Professor Liu Daoyi (2008), the famous Basic English education expert, considered that teaching process should be communicative. The process of English teaching should be turn into the process of language communication, Students use language in an appropriate context and communication language situations, especially the real language materials. Moreover, feeling pleased after using their own language successfully to achieve communicative purpose, and which producing strong interest in learning English. Nevertheless, in the traditional process of teaching, https://www.51lunwen.org/kaitibaogao/ for the choice of teaching methods and course content, teachers are “wise”. In other words, teachers are the authority to decide what and how students learn .Communicative Approach not just the usage of language (grammar, vocabulary, etc.), but also the use of language in the appropriate situations. That is, the knowledge of how language is used appropriately and how language is organized as discourse. It indicates that Communicative Approach has two aims: to develop learners’ communicative competence and to produce correspondent teaching techniques.
   As for Communicative Approach, learning a language in communication is a typical characteristic. Under the Communicative English Teaching(CEL),the role of English teacher has changed. Teachers are no longer the core and master of teaching activities, but the roles to assist learners. To develop the students’ communicative competence, teachers should create more learning conditions during the teaching process as far as possible, from which can make students have more chances to use language in a more real communication condition. That is developing the students’ communicative competence gradually in classroom activities. Educator Su Huomu Sharansky (1999)said that: “The teacher should be good to determine each student can do what extent at this moment, how to make his intelligence to a further development, this is a very important factor in education”. If the students succeed, the teacher succeeds; If they fail, he fails. Students are the “protagonist” in a drama; the teacher is “director”. Whether a play success or not, “director” is very important. Therefore, Communicative Approach, as one of the most often used classroom techniques; research in role-playing of the English teacher is quite significant and useful.


Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is also called Communicative Approach,or National- Functional Approach. It is a kind of foreign language teaching founded by Christopher Candle and Henry Widdowson in the late 1960s. Since 1960s, the economy in advanced countries has speeded,the communication in all parts of these countries were frequent. At the same time, the research of language teaching theory had new break through. In order to satisfy the necessity of society,a new language teaching method —— The Communicative Approach was produced. Communicative Approach evolves as a prominent language teaching method and gradually replaced the previous grammar-translation method and audio-lingual method (Warschauer&Kern, 2000). Since the concept of “communicative competence” was first introduced by Hymes in the mid-1960s, many researchers have helped develop theories and practices of CLT approach (Littlewood, 1981; Canale, 1983; Nattinger, 1984; Richards&Rodgers, 1986; Brown, 1987; Nunan, 1987&1989; Widdowson, 1990). As Stern (1992) explica论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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