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移民与跨文化交际的案例研究 [12]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2015-01-12编辑:Cinderella点击率:29618

论文字数:10169论文编号:org201501102117154709语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



ofstede (1980) suggested that traditional Greek culture is a collectivist culture. Greeks are mainly occupied with activities associated with their in-groups like family, friends, work-group, religious group and communities. Greek cultural activities such as Greek festivals and heritage events provide a “unique experience” for Greeks to come together and share their cultural values like Greek food, music, dance, arts, crafts, etc., and help them to develop a sense of national identity and pride of heritage. The Greek cultural activities to a great extent are linked to the Greek Orthodox Church since the church sponsored the majority of those heritage activities. The present findings coincide with the previous study of Kopan (1989), which demonstrated that the American-born generations favored preservation of religious and cultural legacies and they were oppressed by the weight of their own history, thus the continuity of their culture is too strong for alteration.

The third pattern of change observed - is that more similarities were shared by the First and Second generation while the Third or beyond generation deviated more from the First and Second generation. This pattern applies to behaviors that contribute to the conservation of ‘Family Cultural Orientation and Values’ and ‘On-going contact with Greece’. There are two questions measuring the behaviors that contribute to conservation of family cultural orientation and value. One question asked “whether the participants honor and celebrate Greek heritage in their families”, the other one asked “whether they are in frequent contact with family members who do not live in their homes”. Although all three generations responded to both questions positively, the Third or beyond generation showed significant difference from the First and Second generation, while the First and Second generations are very similar in their responses. The deviation of the Third or beyond generation from First and Second generation in family cultural values, can be explained by the significantly higher rate of intermarriage found in the Third or beyond generation than the First and Second generation, since multiple ancestry usually leads to weaker ethnic identity and more limited exposure to ethnic culture as described by Alba (1995).

Study shows that the family is the primary socialization agent on children within a cultural context with parental attitudes contributing to the structure of their ethnic identity (Super and Harkness, 1997). It was also found that perceived parental attitudes accounted for about 20% of the variation of their children' mode of acculturation (Sam, 1995). Parental attitudes were measured by seven questions in our study covering the perceived importance of their children to understand and speak Greek, to have college education, to participate in the Greek Orthodox Church, to give more freedom to their sons than to their daughters, to marry someone who is not a member of the Greek Orthodox Church, to take care of their parents when they get older, and to live on their own by the time they are 21 years of age. It appeared that all generations of the participants strongly supported the statements that their children should have a college degree and should parti论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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