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dissertation [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2010-05-22编辑:vshellyn点击率:7439

论文字数:1549论文编号:org201005221459082302语种:英语 English地区:挪威价格:免费论文


pected to attend and participate in these. Further
details will be provided to you in Semester 2.
You should not expect close supervision when preparing your dissertation.
You should however expect guidance from your supervisor in identifying a
specific research topic for investigation within your chosen area of research.
Your supervisor will advise you on the feasibility of your proposed topic.
Dissertations involving the collection and analysis of data require careful
planning to ensure that you are able, within the time available, to (a) identify
the data required and check on its availability; (b) obtain the data; (c) compile
and analyse the data. Problems with (a), (b) or (c) can lead to delays and
restrict the scope of your research. Your supervisor will be aware of many of
the potential difficulties and should be able to advise you.
Once your choice of dissertation topic has been finalised with your supervisor
and you have participated in the Research Training Workshops held at the
start of the Summer Vacation, your supervisor should be expected to provide
advice only on specific queries relating to the dissertation content or structure.
Since a supervisor is normally one of the designated examiners of a
dissertation, you should not expect your supervisor to read or provide detailed
comments on drafts of your dissertation material. It must be stressed that the
dissertation is part of the MSc examination, and you are expected to work on
your own in its preparation and writing. You should not expect to receive
supervision by members of staff other than your designated supervisor. Since
your supervisor will have other supervisory and research-related
commitments, and will not be available at all times throughout the Summer
Vacation, it is your responsibility to ensure that you take into account your
supervisor’s availability when planning the schedule of your work.
Dissertation structure代写留学生论文

A key feature of any dissertation is the way in which it is structured or
organised. Structure is important because it dictates the topics discussed and
the order in which they are discussed. A good structure can enhance the
finished quality of the dissertation; a poor structure usually means a poor
dissertation regardless of the quality of the work that went into it.
Characteristics of a good dissertation structure include
The order of the discussion is natural and logical to the reader.
The order and nature of the discussion is readily apparent from the
contents page which show chapter headings, and major sub-headings
are clearly differentiated.
Heading and sub-headings reflect accurately and concisely the
discussion they precede.
Discussion and analysis develops progressively through the
dissertation. In many cases a “hierarchical” structure is appropriate
with early chapters giving a general overview of the issues and later
chapters giving a more detailed discussion of specific topics.
Repetition of points is minimal.
Dissertation Format
The dissertation should be put together in the following order:
1. A Title page, which should show
University of Southampton, Year
School of Social Sciences
Title of dissertation (capitals)
Full name of author followed by the sentence
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