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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-09-26编辑:felicia点击率:31385

论文字数:14206论文编号:org201409251313068595语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

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information about their courses, receive an important materials that can easily serach at website and so on. From their survey result about 96.9% of the University Malaysia of Sabah students agree that discussion via online discussion board advocate social negotiationof ideas. About 98.8% of University Malaysia of Sabah students found that online learning contributes the better learning experience than face-to-face learning and also 98.8% of University Malaysia of Sabah students agree that online learning provides adaptabilityin setting step for studying. Students who take the course online is important for them to familiar with the technologies used in the online courses. They need to frequent using internet to chat with their lecturer, double searching for information through online for those who are not taking online courses. Pang.V & et al (2005) have also argued that the successful accomplishment of any new technology rely upon the factors related to users' attitudes and opinions. It is becoming more valuable to understand how traditional students accommodate to online learning, as more and more online commencement will be introduced in University Malaysia of Sabah.(Pang.V, et al, 2005),

A study by Kian S.H & et al (2003) have claimed that should had the basic skills in using the Internet and ascertained the learning environment in the university to encouraged them to use the Internet as their educational learning tool. The students' basic skills in the Internet and their notion of the learning environment were affiliated to their use of the Internet to augment their learning requirements. Students with better basic skills and ability in the Internet and observed the learning environment to be encouraging of using the Internet for their learning and academic tasks usually had better attitudes toward using the Internet to improve their studies. 

This study disclosed that usually students at University Malaysia of Sarawak had positive attitudes towards learning using the Internet. This consciousness was not race or gender. It was also not affiliated to students' scholastic ability and capability. Students from University Malaysia of Sarawak are exposed to the online web learning because most of the lecturers upload the learning notes, exercises and solution to the university website. Moreover, most of the students spend their time to the internet for the academic purposes because they need to complete the assignment that needs important sources. Students choose to use internet for their academic purposes because it is convenience, students can get their needed sources just a few minutes, compare to searching information at library that is long hours require. Meanwhile students from the Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Sciences and Technology had more positive attitudes against to the students from the other two faculties. This would happen because the students from these two faculties were more reveal and had more chances to use the Internet for their course related activities. This kind of learning are less importance on face-to face lectures but more on learning partially or totally on the Web. It is important to let the students disclose to this type of learning so th论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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