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Anthropology essay-人类学论文-代写美国留学生人类学论文 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文网论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2011-10-27编辑:anterran点击率:3036

论文字数:2144论文编号:org201110271653044707语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Anthropology essay人类学论文代写留学生人类学论文老年人

摘要:Anthropology essay-提供人类学论文-代写留学生人类学论文-现在的问题是人口老龄化的社会越来越实际在许多发达国家和美国。良好的医疗保障、不同的社会计划上与社会上之保护让公民获得充分利用生活,保持健康和活跃。

lerosis and other diseases that prevent from normal physical activity. The number of handy kept among elder people is higher than among other age groups, that’s why elder people with movement problems have to be provided with special devices to ease moving: wheel-chairs, banisters, special bathrooms, etc as they have to be able to use all public facilities equally with able people. As lots of elder people are not able to afford all medical prescriptions and drugs because they have limited funds, they have to be socially protected and be provided with reduced medical programs and privileged health care, it also includes dental care.
Nowadays the problem of aging society is getting more and more actual in many developed countries and in the USA. Good medical care, different social programs and social protection allow citizens to get the full advantage of life, keep healthy and active. That’s why the number of elder people(who are over 60) and who still work is increasing as most of them try to keep professional fit and are rarely substituted by younger who are less likely to be experienced in that professional filed. It seems more and more often that they’ll be active and work forever as most of working elder are in good fit and have good health condition. This aspect creates a growing number of unemployed or partly-employed young professionals, as they have fewer opportunities to substitute elder professionals. Besides the problem of growing number of elder people affects social security and social protection systems, as they have to pay huge funds to pensioners. It was also calculated that in the year of 2020 social security system of the USA may become a bankrupt, as it will be unable to pay pension wages.
The majority of elder people consider themselves to be full participants of public and social life even if they have certain kind of health disorders. The feeling that society needs them gives them stimulus to live and to enjoy life. It also makes them to enjoy life as they are independent when living in their homes, even if someone has to take care of them. Filial piety concept or concept of respect to elder is basis of every culture in the world as obedience and respect of elder exists in every system of moral values. Care from the side of relatives and children are mostly the most wanted and the most desired by elder people; little number of them agree to live in convalescent homes, as they feel forgotten and not needed in such institutions. From the other side most of them understand that their children have their own life and that it’s better to hire care taker for parents than to take care of them by themselves. It creates a contradiction and dilemma in modern society.


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