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2003年职称英语考试(卫生类B级)考试试题及答案 [8]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-09-17编辑:lisa点击率:10633

论文字数:500论文编号:org200909171636171697语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


mes gray brown in _________(56) in the longer hours of daylight in summer.
Inner signals control other _________(57) clocks. German scientists found that some kind of internal clock seems to order birds to begin their long migration_________(58) twice each year. Birds _________(59) from flying become restless when it is time for the trip, _________(60) they become calm again when the time of the flight has ended.
Scientists say they are beginning to learn which _________(61) of the brain contain biological clocks. An American researcher, Martin Moorhead, said a small group of cells near the front of the brain__________(62) to control the timing of some of our actions. These __________(63) tell a person when to wake, when to _________(64) and when to seek food. Scientists say there probably are other biological clock cells that __________(65) other body activities.
51        A  says         B  asks        C  talks         D  tells
52        A  reach        B  leave       C  escape        D  enter
53        A  affect        B  adopt       C  avoid        D  express
54        A  time         B  value       C  amount      D  number
55        A  days         B  months     C  minutes      D  weeks
56        A  shape        B  type        C  form        D  color
57        A  physical      B  biological   C  mental       D  portable
58        A  operation     B  flight       C  movement    D  transportation
59        A  derived       B  prevented   C  originated    D  protected
60        A  but          B  unless      C  therefore     D  if
61        A  parts         B  ideas       C  sorts        D  images
62        A  tries         B  likes        C  seems       D  wants
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