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  • Danger is next neighbour to security. 危险是安全的近邻。 Danger itself is the best remedy for danger. 危险本身就是对付危险的最好办法。 Dead men tell no tales. 死人不会搬弄是非。 Death is the grand leveller. 凡人都要死,大家都一样。 Death meets us everywhere. 死亡到处和我门相遇。 Death pays
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:25209     论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers

32. 写作任务与互动任务对非英语班学生词汇附带学习影响对比研究[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background Vocabulary acquisition, a central task of second language acquisition (Lewis, 1993) isconsidered a life-long cognitive process. Words are the integral components of language an
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:5745     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

33. 词块法对”英语基础写作“能力影响教育学硕士毕业论文[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background The main function of language is to communicate. Writing is an indispensablepart in communication, through which we can express our feelings and exchange ourthoughts. Many rese
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:4446     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

34. 英语专业词汇学硕士毕业论文thesis[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • I Introduction 1.1 Research Background Internationally speaking, the traditional teaching method of Direct Method andAudio-lingual method gave more priority to the teaching of grammar which suits the day. In1970s, with the ad
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:5632     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

35. 概念隐喻理念之中职英语词汇教学实例研究论文[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background Vocabulary plays an important role in the second language learning. It isconsidered as the organic unity of the sound, the shape and the meaning. Vocabularylearning has aroused
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:4412     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

36. 我国大学生英语写作词汇选择程序之母语思维[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Writing ability in second language or foreign language is closely related to thepeople’s employment and future career development. Learning to write effectively isone of cr
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:4912     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

37. 英语情态动词认知视角解读[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • 1. Literature review 1.1 Original Perspective Philosophy and logic look the relationship between modality and objective truthvalue. Possibility and necessity are the core conceptions in traditional study of modallogic. In log
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:5576     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

38. 初中英语词汇概念加工具身特性及教学启示[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • 第 1 章 引 言 1.1 研究背景 词汇作为语言学习的基石,在英语学习中起着重要的作用。“不论学生的语法学得多好,语音多么漂亮,如果没有足够的词汇来表达他的感情或理解对方的观点和想法,他就无法用这门语言进行任何有意义的交流。”(McCarthy,1990)。所以,在语言教与学的过程中,尤其是在语言学习的最初阶段,词汇的教与学应当受到高度的重视。《义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)》中规定初中毕业生要求掌握 1600 个左右的单词和 200—300 个常用语和固定搭配,其中对词汇知识方面要求理解和领悟词语的基本
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:3369     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

39. 大学英语词汇教学之概念隐喻实例研究[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • 1 Literature review 1.1 Theory of conceptual metaphor Metaphor has a long history in linguistics. Metaphor is a derivate from Latin(metaphora) and French (metaphor), with the meaning of transference. It is a kind ofmetaphor w
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:4791     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

40. 语料驱动式教育对中国高中学生英语词汇学习之影响[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • 第一章 引言 1.1 研究背景 词汇是语言的三大组成要素之一。在第二语言教学过程中,词汇教学经历了从被忽视到逐步被重视的过程,20 世纪 60 年代以来,西方学者对词汇教学的研究日益加深,逐渐巩固了词汇教学在第二语言教学中的地位。目前,国内外研究者或外语教学实践者,无论他们持有何种语言观、在具体的教学实践上有多大分歧,都不得不承认词汇教学是第二语言教学中的一个重要部分。英语,作为我国基础教育阶段第二语言教学领域最重要的语种,是吸收、借鉴西方先进文明和技术、引领民族走向世界的重要工具,因而一直受到社会各界的重视。在我
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:3847     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

41. 母语为英语的留学生动宾离合词使用误差概述及汉语教学[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • 第一章 引言 一、研究对象及意义 “离合词”是汉语中非常有特点的语言点,它具有可离可合的特点,既象词,又象词组,因此叫做“离合词”。虽然现代汉语词类体系没有把离合词列为一个词类,但它的独特性早已汉语界的关注。《现代汉语词典》采用注音中加“//”的方法标注离合词;《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中不注明词性但实行拼音分写;杨寄洲主编的《对外汉语教学初级阶段的语法大纲》把离合词作为与名词、代词、数词、量词等并列的词类。离合词的类型公认的有三大类:动宾式、动补式和主谓式。在这几类离合词中,以动宾式离合词的数量最多,并多为常用词语,同
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:3807     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

42. 叙事教学法视域之高中英语词汇教育实证研究[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of the study The current situation and problems in vocabulary teaching request to researchers find thenew methods as soon as possible. The reform of high school vocabulary teaching must
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:3823     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

43. 语料库理念之我国大学生英语空间词汇使用情况概述[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background With the development of vocabulary acquisition, more and more researchers have paidattention to prepositions. Some of them have been interested in spatial prepositions. Over theyears, the
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:4956     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

44. 基于构词法对航海英语高频非四级词汇的研究[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background With the economic prosperity, transportation has been playing an increasinglycrucial role in the world trade. Among all modes of transporting, shipping is the mostfrequently us
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:4816     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis

45. 中国英语学生单词重音模型学习概述[内容预览]收费论文 Charging Thesis
  • Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the Study The native speakers hear is only concerning the production end of the secondlanguage acquisition; nevertheless, it is not self-evident what second languagelearners are actually
  • 论文类别:英语词汇学     人气:5939     论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis


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