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英国论文范文:爱丁堡大学管理类留学毕业论文 [11]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2014-08-21编辑:yangcheng点击率:24580

论文字数:12000论文编号:org201408091848196219语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



ting-based, market-based measures, measures of risk, and other firm-specific characteristicsN.A.CEP->CFPComplex and nuancedNeed better understanding of CSR.

Griffin&Mahon(1997)Firms in the chemical industryFortune; KLD; TRI and corporate philanthropyFive common accounting-based measuresN.A.CEP->CFPInconsistent Only one industry examined.

Russo & Fouts (1997)243 firmsThe FRDC ratingsData from COMPUSTATIndustry concentration; firm growth rate; firm size; capital intensity; R&D intensity; advertising intensity. CEP->CFPFour of five are positiveN.A

Waddock & Graves (1997)469 firmsKLDReturn on assets, Return on equity, Return on salesSize, Risk and IndustryCEP->CFP;

CFP->CEPPositiveOnly test 1-year lag;

Not control for quality of management.

Stanwick & Stanwick (1998)Firms listed in the top 500 companies of pollution emissions in the United States Environment Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory Report The Fortune Corporate Reputation Index.Profitability (yearly profits divided by the annual sales level)Size CEP->CFP;

CFP->CEPPositiveThe use of pollution emissions is questionable; based on one time unique extraordinary circumstances; only selected the large organizations.

Mcwilliams & Siegel (2000)524 firmsKLDROASize, risk, industry, R&D Intensity, Advertising intensityCEP->CFPNeutral N.A.

Salama (2005)201 firms listed in the Management Today 2000 surveyThe corporate reputation index of Britain’s MACData from DataStream Size, beta, industry and R&D intensity. CEP->CFPPositiveN.A.

Barnett & Salomon (2006)61 SRI fundsSocially responsibility investingRisk-adjusted performance (RAP)Age, size, risk, bond funds or stock funds, yearly dummy variables.www.51lunwen.org/business. CEP->CFPCurvilinear relationshipN.A.

Hull & Rothenberg (2008)Firms listed KLD, around 500 firms.KLDROASize, risk, industry, innovation; industry differentiationCEP->CFPPositiveSelected CSP measure has some limitations.

Godfrey et al. (2009)178 negative actions against firmsKLDShareholder valueFirm size, market-to-bookCEP->CFPPositiveN.A.

Surroca et al. (2010)599 companies from 28 countriesKLDTobin’s qInnovation, human capital, reputation, culture; tangible resources; size, risk, year, industry. CEP->CFP;

CFP->CEPNo direct relationshipSustainalytics database is not free from criticism; other variables might influence the CEP-CFP link.

Salama (2011)Firms listed in the Management Today 1994-2006The corporate reputation index ofBritain’s MAC 1994-2006Firm’s beta risk (Beta)Size, dividend payout, liquidity, capital gearing, asset growth, firm profitability, industry. CEP->CFPNegativeLimited amount of data yet available.

3. Theoretical Framework

As mentioned in the literature review section, there are several theories related to the research of relation between CER and CFP. This study applies ‘s论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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