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美国留学商科硕士论文 [13]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2015-05-14编辑:felicia点击率:28153

论文字数:10112论文编号:org201505081858411342语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



dentity (Dukerich, J., B. Golden, and S. Shortell. 2002). The perception of oneness or belonging to a group can lead to formation of CoP and prompt members, encouraged by attaining the desired identity to participate in CoP. From the symbolic interactionists perspective identity centrality is valued in terms of total perceived value of relationships (number and importance), a greater the number of valued ties will translate into higher importance of that role identity (Hoang & Gimeno, 2005). The higher valued CoP corresponds to the factors such as cohesion of a CoP, learning and active participation.

3.2 Afghan Entrepreneurship in Peshawar

In a refugee situation the identities can be impacted. The mounting uncertainty can lead to taking refuge in collective identities, national and ethnic identities are far reaching and they are portrayed strongly by relaying on natural metaphors; Blood, Kinship etc. once constructed will not vanish under the impact of some universal utopia or claim to rationality. (Schöpflin, 2001)

At its core “Afghan entrepreneurship in Peshawar” is the product of the struggle initiated as a basic bread earning activity of “back to the wall” war refugees. It is an effort to exploit all the available resources to survive. Though the largely undocumented, growth has gone much further and established some multi million enterprises. “Some of the most successful entrepreneurs among Afghans in Peshawar were businessmen who were involved in large scale cross-border trade”. Afghans were an integral part of Peshawar's emergence as a hub of cross border trade which has greatly benefited its commercial sector greatly. (AREU, 2005).

This study targets a gap in literature and proposes that entrepreneurship in immigrant and refugees can be better explained where they, faced with odd conditions, seek acceptable identities where CoPs can be responsible for breeding entrepreneurial identity through the act of negotiating and re-negotiating. The skill sets learnt starts form basic survival strategies and through its own informal mechanism innovates unique ways of dealing with the surmounting situation. It is proposed that Afghan Entrepreneurs in Peshawar is a similar case where a group of new comers seeking an acceptable, desired identity in volatile conditions and in process forming CoP which became a sanctuary for learning and participation towards the creation of entrepreneurial identity. While most of them were previously successful businessmen, they had to re-establish themselves in different conditions (of Peshawar) and in the process they innovated their way towards a successful entrepreneurial culture.

The need for understanding several unexplored aspects of Afghan refugees is emphasized by Turton and Marsden (2002) “There is a need for undertaking in-depth, qualitative research to improve our knowledge of refugee decision making and of the regional and transnational networks that sustain the incomes of Afghan households and families.”


4.1 Afghan Refugees in Peshawar

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