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英语名的取名艺术The Naming Art for English Names [5]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-09编辑:刘宝玲点击率:16664

论文字数:26000论文编号:org200904091805447669语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:英语名字内涵根源取名English namesconnotationrootnaming

Babies Name of a new life gathered the parents’ deep love and sincere expectation, the metaphors of which include different aspiration, hobby and pursuit: parents hope their children do credit to the ancestors, live a promising life, achieve object. There is one famous motto that “favoring the offspring with treasure is inferior one skill, at the same time, which is inferior to one gratified name.” In present-day society, more and more young couple would gift their babies with not only one Chinese name to show the emotion, ambitious and sprit, vigor, but also an English name, fashion and pleasant to hear before the baby born. Parents, besides those principles as stated above, should pay more attentation to these methods or take these references as follow. Firstly, names of the babies relay on the hobby of parents somewhat. Secondly, in English-speaking counties, in memory of parents, relatives, or friends, the young couples are conditioned to name their children by virtue of those people’s name. Thirdly, it is important to select one suitable name for their offspring. By survey, parents attach importance to the name’s idiosyncrasy more than name’s traditional factors. Finally, some parents are prone to select some traditional or classical name for their children. Of course, best of all, the name can reflect his family, culture, and religion. And here are some referential names which are fit for the children. The girl’s names include Adelaide, Carmel, Deirdre, Emily, Fatima, Germaine, Helena, Ingrid, Juliana, Lara, Michelle, Nadine, Octavia, Penelope, Tatiana, Wilhelmina, and so on. The boy’s names include Abel, Barrett, Conrad, Dante, Emanuel, Felix, Garth, Hubert, Ira, Jean, Lance, Marcel, Neil, Oliver, Raphael, Saul, Thaddeus, Vito, Waldo, and so on. B. The Names for Students People’s names named in fashion, changed with the time, and related with social background, environment, situation and spirit. After carefully studied the evolution of names, people will find that there are also some relations among the names, politics, and economic status. In different periods, the names are related humanistic atmosphere and value-orientation. At present society, people tend to purse their name unorthodox and unusual. The name will be color according to the words’ various connotation; meantime, people endow different names with diverse meanings. The student is characteristic by fashion and active. In present society, nobody would like being out just for having no English name. Therefore, to them, how can they select an English name with the tinges of times, selfhood and pleasant to hear, in the same time the name is favorite with the owner. Usually, they choose their English name according to the following two ways. Firstly, obtaining names directly borrow from the Super Star or the name of masterpiece. The celebrity’s names like Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, Marie Curie, and William Shakespeare and so on. People who cherished the queen or Regina can choose these names, Elizabeth, Catherine and so on. The super star’s names include Sharon, James, Jim, Jane and so on. Being worth notice, people usually only translate the family name into Chinese. So to avoid suffering from being too smart do not used the family name as the English name. It is not suitable for people named Jordan, for “Jordan” is not his full name, but the last name. Secondly, the students often use the great frequency names. A large number of popul论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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