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On Thomas Hardy’s Religious Sense in His Works [3]

论文作者:潇霖论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-21编辑:黄丽樱点击率:15505

论文字数:5047论文编号:org200904212314251358语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:ReligioninfluenceresearchThomas Hardydistinguished religious sense

ey, the village mason. He is encouraged by Phillotson, a schoolmaster, to apply for Christminster (representing Oxford University), but as in every part of his life he is tormented by rejection. In this novel, Bridehead (married unhappily to Phillotson) and other chanters have an illicit relationship. However, her contradictory desires prevent their long-term contentedness since she seeks freedom to the cost of love. We learn of the death of Sue and Jude’s children at the hands of Jude’s only child by Arabella since the latter believes none of them have the right to live. The novel concerns Jude’s ambition as it is thwarted repeatedly by the squalid nature of a life ruined by poverty and the indecision of others. Like The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D’rbervilles and others the novel ends with the protagonist miserable death that represents only the indecency of fate that causes suffering even or perhaps especially in the pure of heart.[Www_LunWenNet_Com] 2.2 Religious sense in Jude the Obscure In Jude the Obscure, Hardy shows his views on religion and commitment to the Church which were said to have declined in the latter years of his life. (Ingham, xxvii) Throughout the book Hardy displays his feeling that religion is something that people use in order to satisfy themselves by giving their lives' meaning. One instance in which Hardy clearly displays this is when he writes, "It had been the yearning of his heart to find something to cling to." (Ingham, 94) In order to bring out this point Hardy chooses to create Jude as an orphan and has him come from obscure origins. By doing this, he creates a character who is looking for something to give him an identity. As a result of his relationship with Mr. Phillotson (who leaves for Christminster in order to become ordained), he finds religion and feels that he can use it to help him gain an identity. Hardy feels that people should shy away from their old ways of thinking and begin to forma new one. In this novel,Jude,is a kind-hearted sentimental young man who fell guilty on every hurt of creatures even a earthworm. Ironically,every such a religious man like Jude failed to get the bless from God. Here, Hardy is telling a truth to readers :God is indifferent with human beings.. Chapter3 Case Study (2): Take The Return of the Native as an example 3.1About the Novel As one of the master pieces of Tomas Hardy, The Return of the Native(1878) is a story of extremes, of all-consuming passions and fierce ambitions, played out in the vast and overwhelming setting of Egdon Heath. It is a tragedy of ordinary lives: a family quarrel, romantic entanglements and the desire to escape are the elements which are brought together with a life-shattering intensity. Here, all life is a struggle for existence and the working of an apparently malign fate drives the story with a tragic inevitability. A foreboding atmosphere dominates most of the novel, and superstition and pagan rites contribute to the sense of the powerful forces which seem hostile to humanity, yet in control of human destiny. Like all of Hardy’s work, The Return of the Native is passionate and controversial, with themes and sympathies beyond what a good Victorian would ever admit. A modern and honest novel of chance and choice, faith and infidelities, this dark story asks what is free will and what is fate? What is the true nature of nature, and how do we fit together? Can we fit together? A tragedy set论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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