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中国英语学生动-名词搭配习得概述 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-13编辑:lgg点击率:3436

论文字数:36420论文编号:org201405121059305776语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:The present study aims to explore Chinese EFL learners’ collocation competenceand take an in-depth look at the influence of LI transfer on the acquisition ofverb-noun collocation among learners of different L2 proficiency.

corporating the view that patterns of the native language (of all levels of linguisticstructure), including both forms and functions of elements are superimposed on thepatterns learned in a second language” (1966, pp.328). By contrast, Ringbomcontends that “transfer is both a facilitating and limiting factor which provides onebasis for the learner to form and test hypotheses about the second language he or sheis learning” (1985, Abstract).

2.2. Study of collocation
It’s widely acknowledged that vocabulary learning is one of the essentialelements to achieve native-like competence in SLA. With the recognition of theimportance of vocabulary learning, many approaches have sprung up besides theemphasis on collocation. According to Brown, objectives of vocabulary learning are“to improve both oral comprehension and reading speed and this ‘feed forward’element in listening and reading can be helped by increasing the students’ knowledgeof collocation” (1974, pp.1). Thus, collocation is an integral part of second languageacquisition and of paramount importance to Chinese EFL learners. Pawley & Syder argue that “in the store of familiar collocations, there areexpressions for a wide range of familiar concepts and speech acts, and the speaker isable to retrieve these as wholes or as automatic chains from the long term memory, bydoing this he minimizes the amount of clause-internal encoding work to be done andfrees himself to attend to other tasks in talk-exchange, including the planning of largerunits of discourse” (1983, pp.191). The more fixed expressions EFL learners haveacquired, the more they can produce native-like language structures.

Chapter Three Methodology ....23
.1. Research hypotheses and questions .......23
3.2. Participants.....24
3.3. Materials ....26
3.4. Instruments.....27
3.5. Procedure .......29
3.5.1. Pilot study.......29
3.5.2. Main tests....30
3.5.3. Data collection....31
3.6. Summary ....31
Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion....33
4.1. Data analysis of four hypotheses .......33
4.2. Verb-noun collocations ......54
4.2.1. Verb-noun collocations with the least accuracy rate ......54
4.2.2. Verb-noun collocations with the highest accuracy rate......56
4.3. Summary ....57
Chapter Five Conclusions, Implications and Limitations....59
5.1. Major findings....59
5.2 Pedagogical implications ....63

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion

There is a widespread consensus that the collocation knowledge of EFL learnersis inadequate on the basis of previous findings about EFL learners’ collocationcompetence (e.g. Bahns & Eldaw 1993; Shei & Pain 2000; Martynska 2004, Diao2004). Based on the above research background, this research has been designed toinvestigate Chinese EFL learner’s performance on verb-noun collocations accordingto their L2 proficiency. Therefore, this hypothesis suggests that Chinese EFL learners’knowledge about verb-noun collocations could also be insufficient. The followingthree questions (Question A, B, C) are raised to examine whether this hypothesis iscorrect or not.


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