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课间任务型“写长法”对初中生英语写作焦躁和英语写作成绩的影响研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-07-23编辑:lgg点击率:4398

论文字数:38100论文编号:org201307221555326211语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



writing long English articles with ease, leaving more questions in this field to be answered anddeepened.

1.2 The Significance of the Study
In theory, Language acquisition involves a process from input to output. Both aspects are of equalimportance. However, under the EFL circumstance, most Chinese English learners lack the languagecommunication atmosphere, leading to neglect of student output. As a result, many Chinese Englishlearners are capable of understanding English reading materials by applying their known grammar rules,whereas they perform poorly towards speaking and writing.
In this sense, the Length Approach is anendeavor to attach attention to output. Its ultimate goal is “write to learn”. That is, to enhance learners’overall English proficiency by means of writing (output).In practice, although a myriad of research has been conducted to seek for the most effective approachfor the teaching of L2 writing, the majority of them are inconclusive. Furthermore, a number of researchsubjects are international students who live in English-speaking countries as immigrants. A lot of otherstake college students as subjects. The few studies that do care for the teaching of English writing amonglow proficient beginners draw conflicting conclusions. Actually, affective factors such as interest andanxiety are relatively steady, and they made a difference to English writing achievement. A student canhardly become interested in or less anxious about English writing all of a sudden. On the one hand, it iseasier to foster positive sentiment towards English writing among beginners before they have alreadybecome anxious of English writing. On the other hand, research subjects for English writing need to beequipped with certain English writing ability. Therefore, ninth grade students are suitable for research.However, there is unfortunately a dearth of research concerning English writing anxiety of this particulargroup except for some experiential descriptions. That’s the reason why junior high school students arechosen for empirical research in the present study.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Studies on the Length Approach
Based on Swain’s output hypothesis, Wang Chuming and his colleagues (2000) conduct a reformationtrail aiming at using English writing to facilitate English learning. This reformation tries to distinguish fromtraditional English writing-teaching approach in writing task design, assignment and means of feedbackand so on. The core is to improve English writing achievement through adjustment of writing length.Results of this reformation show that confidence of college students is boosted through writing longcompositions, which ultimately benefits English writing proficiency. Generally speaking, it is a successfulattempt. Encouraged by the success of continuing experimentation in the following years, Wang (2002)uses the name “The Length Approach” to convey the basic belief of this approach, that is, to improveEnglish writers’ writing proficiency through tasks which can motivate English learners to write increasinglylong compositions. Three years later, he (2005) publishes a paper exclusively elaborating on how to operatewithin the Length Approach systematically. Till now, as an alternative teaching approach of English writing,the Length Approach has tended to reach maturity. Meanwhile, many other researchers set aboutexpounding the rationality and论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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