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课间任务型“写长法”对初中生英语写作焦躁和英语写作成绩的影响研究 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-07-23编辑:lgg点击率:4397

论文字数:38100论文编号:org201307221555326211语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



validity of this approach from both descriptive (Tan, 2009; Xu, 2010) andempirical (Luo, 2004; Gan, 2008; Wang & Song, 2009) perspectives.

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework ............24-32
    3.1 Swain's Output Hypothesis........... 24-25
    3.2 Theories about Affective factors ...........25-28
        3.2.1 Tobias's Three-stage Model...........25-27
        3.2.2 Rogers's Humanistic Learning Theory ...........27-28
    3.3 Motivation Theories Relating to the Task-based Length ...........28-32
        3.3.1 Self-efficacy Theory ...........28-30
        3.3.2 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs........... 30-32
Chapter 4 Research Design........... 32-41
    4.1 Research Questions........... 32
    4.2 Research Subjects........... 32-33
    4.3 Research Instruments........... 33
    4.4 Research Procedure ...........33-35
    4.5 The Implementation of the Task-based........... 35-41
Chapter 5: Results and Discussions........... 41-59
    5.1 Results and Discussions from the English ........... 41-49
    5.2 Results and Discussions From the English...........49-53
5.3 Results and Discussions from the Interview ...........53-59


Through this experiment, we have enough reason to believe that some beneficial implications can bedrawn for the teaching of English writing towards junior high school students in present China.
(1) Writing is considered very difficult by many English learners. It’s time for keeping correctingstudent errors blindly to make way for more effective attempts. The Task-based Length Approach providesa direction of stimulating writing motivation of junior high school students who used to be made to writepassively and anxiously for a long time.Actually, it will be a painful process of shift from teacher-centered to teacher-assisted andstudent-centered. English teachers have to try to respect and understand students empathically instead ofapproaching student writings appropriately as they have always done. As long as they dare to try, they willbe rewarded with unimaginable student progress.
(2) It’s natural for teachers to focus their attentions on these high-level students. However, there islarge space for progress for the majority of students who are close to average. The best effect is theaccomplishment of transfer from low-level to middle-level, and middle-level to high-level. This means thatteachers need to consciously care more for the needs of the majority of students.
(3) Now that comprehensible output is of great importance, English teachers can possibly createvarious opportunities to encourage students to practise to output English besides the very limited timeduring the English class.
(4) Last but not the least, it’s of importance to remind students of their strength rather than toconstantly point out their weakness. Student affective factors such as motivation and confidence can greatlyfacilitate L2 learning.

1Backman, N. (1976). Two measures www.51lunwen.org/chuzhongyingyu/ of affec论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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