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跨国公司对塞尔维亚社会经济发展研究:Pilot project [6]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-12-24编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:22397

论文字数:11010论文编号:org201511251704399556语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:经济增长,Pilot project,Proposed methodology


et will move forward and that there will be a real construction boom, which is currently present in Romania.

Holcim Group in Serbia - Holcim Srbija A.D.

Cement plant Holcim (Srbija) A.D., is one of the three most important cement plants in Serbia, and it exists since 1889, when cement manufacture was 3000 tonnes per year, while the annual cement production capacity of the plant nowadays is 1.350.000,00 tonnes.

Three different types of high quality cement are being produced: PC 52.5N, PC 35 N (S- Q) 42.5 N, MP 30 (S - Q) 32.5N as well as Novimal, masonry mortar and Novimal.

Cement plant 'Novi Popovac', situated in the area of Popovac village, in the proximity of the town of Paracin, officially became a member of the Holcim Group in 2002.

When Holcim decided to set up a company in Serbia, it chose to follow the example of its other regional companies. The countries of the region are relatively alike, the mentality of the people is relatively similar, the circumstances under which the factories have been bought are practically the same, as well as the manufacturing processes.

'All of this actually represents one big advantage a multinational company is giving, since you don't have to invent new procedures for every particular thing within the company, and therefore we have used the 'copy-paste' method in many of the managerial functions. Holcim`s experts from other countries of the region in charge for sales, HR, marketing, communications and other departments, came to Serbia and transferred their experiences to us in order to help us establish a company as soon as possible. They came and stayed for one or two months and their help has been very valuable for us.' (Dzelatovic Maja, director of marketing and communications of Holcim Srbija A.D.)

Holcim Srbija AD was the last acquisition which Holcim Group did in South-Eastern Europe, and the first privatization of a company in Serbia. According to the terms of the General Agreement, Holcim Group was obliged to invest the amount of 85.000.000, 00 US $ and not to let go any workers for a period of 5 years. The period of 5 years expired on April 14th 2007 and in July 2007 the company has officially been notified by the Agency for Privatization of the Republic of Serbia that it has successfully fulfilled all of its obligations.

In this period, Holcim has invested around 90.000.000, 00 US$, meaning that the company invested more than it has been obliged to.

Privatization process has been handled under the wing of the World Bank; the whole tender was completely transparent. It was the best paid privatization process in the region according to the amount of money paid for the tone of manufacturing capacity, according to the privatization agreement.

The company currently conducts its operations on three locations:

Headquarters of the company is located in central Serbia, in the village of Popovac close to Paracin, which is approximately 160 km south from Belgrade, where the cement factory is located. In 2006, the company opened a concrete factory 'Belgrade-East' in Krnjaca, close to Belgrade towards Vrsac (border city with Romania) and the third site of the company is the representative office, which is located in Belgrade.

Holcim Srbija has a clear vision of the company: to build foundations for the future generations. Its mission is to become t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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