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留学生WTO论文 [13]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-09-03编辑:yangcheng点击率:14487

论文字数:8357论文编号:org201409022217272077语种:中文 Chinese地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Economics EssayWto世界贸易组织留学生国际贸易管理论文


e GSP rule from America since 1979 and it ought to be said that the implementation of the GSP plays a very significant role in expanding Chinese export to the USA and accelerating the process of China’s industrialization.

As for the membership of the WTO/GATT on trade flow influence, there exists remarkable divergence in academia. Rose (2004) proposed it has not much relation with the international trade whike some other experts consider that the membership do increase bilateral trade. Xuepeng Liu's (2009) empirical analysis indicates that if both of the trade partners are members of the WTO, coefficient of this variable is significant, positive but small. The same thing is true for my result. Table 1 indicates that if both of the partner countries belong to the WTO, it would be a positive variable to increase the bilateral trade. From the perspective of China's actual situation, before accession to the WTO, China's foreign trade only occupied 4% of the global trade whereas after entry to the WTO, this proportion increased to 10%. That is to say, the membership of WTO really is a positive element that can improve China's trade. However, if only one of the two countries has the membership of the WTO, the coefficient is also positive. Why? It may be attributed to the country which although is not a member of the GATT/WTO, it belongs to “Three categories of nonmember participants” (Tomz, et.al 2007), which can also enjoy the rights given by the GATT/WTO. In fact, various countries tend to extend their MFN to the other countries, no matter they are members of the WTO or not. In this case, the positive coefficient of Onein can be explained.

As for the variable of distance, theoretically, the longer the distance between two trade partners, the less the trade is. Of course the coefficient of distance in this paper is -0.546481, which is reversely proportional with the trade in my model. This outcome has been consistent with various scholars. Actually, this result could be attributed to the following reasons. Firstly, if two countries apart each other with a long distance, there could exist a great uncertainty in the process of trade. Taking the world’s largest container shipping companies, which is called the Maersk Line, as an example, when the ship departure from China to America, it would take 15 days to arrive the USA Long Beach and 19 days to Oakland. Thus, there could be some natural threaten such as tornado, tsunami or storm during the transporting process. Moreover, the long distance also requires more transportation cost. Indeed, the higher the cost, the less the trade. Besides, there might be culture and custom difference for two far away countries. In fact, with different culture, customers may have different preference on importing or exporting products. For example, there is a great difference in food between the West and East, thus China’s rice exports to the other countries must be a distribution of East more while West less.

Additionally, seen from the result of table 1, RTA is proved to be a positive and significant variable in the gravity model in increasing China’s external trade. In this specification, the trade among a geographically close RTA member usually is higher than with other. Besides the closely distance factor, a FTA also focus on reducing barriers between trade partners and facilitating the trade among states. Actually, any FTA follows the 24th Article of GATT, which 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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