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关于大学英语学习者“中国文化失语症”问题的研究 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-04编辑:lgg点击率:3702

论文字数:38620论文编号:org201405041055389094语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:The present survey was conducted in Guangxi University of Finance and Economics(GUFE). It aims at investigating the status quo of culture teaching and learning in CEC andexploring how to integrate Chinese and western cultures in CET to solve the "Chinese cultureaphasia,,among students.

3.3.2 The Questionnaire.........     24
3.3.3 The Interview .........   25
3.4 Data Collection......... 26
3.5 Data Analyses......... 27
3.6 Validity and Reliability of the Data .........28
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion .........29
4.1 Current Situation of Culture Teaching and Learning......... 29
4.2 Main Causes of Chinese Culture Aphasia......... 42
Chapter 5 Suggestions for Solution......... 51
5.1 Revision of the College English Teaching Syllabus......... 51
5.2 Curriculum Design Development .........51
5.3 Revision of College English Textbook .........53
5.4 Revision of College English Test.........  55
5.5 Teachers' Development .........56
5.6 Methods of Culture Teaching......... 56

Chapter 5 Suggestions for Solution

5.1 Revision of the College English Teaching Syllabus
According to the enlightenment of this survey, recent researches of some scholars, aswell as present situation and future trends of China's economic, social,and culturaldevelopment, the revision of a new College English curriculum requirement which is suitablefor students5 actual need of English learning is imperative.The author puts forward some suggestions on the revision of the new College Englishcurriculum requirements. 1. Take the cultivation of students' ICC as a significant goal ofEnglish teaching; 2. Make clear that ICC includes the ability to use language correctly, absorbthe world culture critically and spread the essence of excellent Chinese culture; 3. Clearlystate the main content of intercultural communication; 4. Make clearly that teachers shouldpromote the status of Chinese culture teaching and guide learners to learn more Englishexpressions of native culture; 5. Teaching materials selection should take both native andtarget culture factors into consideration; 6. Encourage teachers to adopt summativeassessment and formative assessment to evaluate students' ability to use language inintercultural communication. In a word, the new syllabus should keep a balanced integrationof Chinese and western cultures in CET.


There are some limitations in the study. First,the limitation exists in the sample of thesubject. If the study scale is larger, the sample will be more representative and can betterreflect the phenomenon. Due to the time constrains and other reasons, present study justinvestigates non-English majors and teachers. Investigations need to be conducted to look intothe status quo of culture teaching for College English majors. Second,the limitation isembodied in the instruments of the survey. In the test,only written test was used. Oral test canalso be adopted to test students5 ability to express Chinese culture in English. Questionnaireare designed with great care and revised many times, but they are likely to be a littledissatisfactory. As to the interview, the interpretations may leave some points untouched,thusgreat caution must be taken in the aspect. Moreover, the suggestions put forward by the authorneed to be put into practice.
Reference (omitted)


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