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某民族非英语班大学生英语习作错误研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-13编辑:lgg点击率:3754

论文字数:37200论文编号:org201308131118289024语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



ith Han students, it is far more complex process for Mongolian students to learnEnglish. For most of them, Chinese is their second language, and they learn English throughChinese. Therefore, Mongolian students’ English learning is interfered by both Chinese andMongolian.
Writing is one of the four basic skills in learning English, and also one of the standards tomeasure English proficiency. Writing with rich content, reasonable structure and coherentstatements is difficult for college students, especially Mongolian college students. TheEnglish writing standard of the majority of Mongolian students is low. The governmentshould invest in more research into how to improve minority students’ English learning inremote areas. The author herself is a Mongolian and works as an English teacher in a minoritycollege. Therefore, it is easy to know what linguistic errors they frequently make in theirEnglish writing.This thesis intends to conduct some empirical studies on the English writingsof Mongolian college students. The author sets the Mongolian-speaking English learners asthe subjects, so as to realize their specific difficulties in learning English and put forwardsuggestions for further research.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

The study of human error—making in the domain of core linguistics is a major component.This chapter is devoted to introducing the theories that relate to error which includecontrastive analysis, error analysis and language transfer. It especially highlights the fiveprocedures of EA.

2.1 Contrastive Analysis
Before SLA was developed in the 1960’s, there was no special theory for second languageacquisition. People used general learning theories from psychology, which came under thebroad study of Behaviorism, to explain human learning, including language learning (林立27). According to behaviorist learning theory, SLA is a process of new set of habits. Theexisting habits influence the development of new habits in a reinforced or impeded way.Behaviorist learning theory predicts that transfer exists in the process of learning a secondlanguage. When the first language has a similar structure with the target language, positivetransfer will facilitate the language learning. When the first language has a different structurewith the target language, transfer will interfere with the target language. In the later case,errors which are considered undesirable in the behaviorist account of SLA result. In the1960’s and 1970’s teachers believed that errors should be avoided. To teach effectively, it isclaimed that a teacher should know the differences and similarities between the learners’ firstlanguage and the target language, the language she/he is learning. Then the teacher will beable to predict where difficulties may arise. For this pedagogical purpose, a procedure calledContrastive Analysis (CA) developed.

Chapter 3 Research Methodology......... 32-36
    3.1 Subjects .........32-33
    3.2 Instruments......... 33-34
        3.2.1 Writing assignments......... 33
        3.2.2 Interviews......... 33-34
    3.3 Data Collection Procedures......... 34-36
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion .........36-72
    4.1 Classification and Description of Source-based Errors...论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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