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某民族非英语班大学生英语习作错误研究 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-13编辑:lgg点击率:3756

论文字数:37200论文编号:org201308131118289024语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



...... 36-55
        4.1.1 Interlingual Errors......... 36-50
        4.1.2 Intralingual Errors .........50-55
    4.2 Statistical Results and Analysis of Source-based Errors .........55-69
        4.2.1 Statistical Results and Analysis of Interlingual Errors......... 57-67
        4.2.2 Statistical Results and Analysis of Intralingual Errors .........67-69
4.3 Results of Interviews......... 69-72


This thesis provides a detailed description and analysis of errors in the writing assignments ofsome Mongolian non-English major college students. The study is composed of theprocedures which proposed by Corder in error analysis. There are three major findings of theresearch. (1) In Mongolian non-English major college students’ English writing, intralingualerrors take a larger proportion. It takes the percentage of 50.68% followed by interlingualerrors at the percentage of 44.07%. The explanation to this result would be that in the processof FL learning, when confronted with a practical need, learners will produce some utterancesor forms they have never heard of. The English impact is larger than mother tongue transferdoes. (2) The Mongolian non-English major college students’ English writing is mostlyinterfered by Chinese. Chinese transfer plays a much larger part than Mongolian transfer does.This result is acceptable and reasonable. The subjects of this study were educated bilinguallyin kindergarten, primary school and middle school. They use Chinese more frequently thanMongolian during their daily speech. Chinese has been adopted as an instruction language fora long time. Consequently, most of the time the students transfer their Chinese into Englishand then reverse the process along their learning experience. (3) Mongolian transfer cannot beignored either. By the interference of Mongolian, the errors on the syntax take the largestproportion among all the errors. It holds the highest proportion of 35.13%, followed by thelexis at 30.81%, and the morphology at 28.65%. From the research findings it can beconcluded that besides the influence by the target language—English, Chinese has a dominantinfluence on their English learning, and Mongolian still plays a certain role which is alwaysignored by the bilingual students. Subsequently the statistic results have instructional value inteaching the English language for the minority students.
The results of the study provide valuable implications for the promotion and reform ofEnglish writing process. (1) Even for advanced English learners who also tend to use theirmother tongue to compose their writings. Therefore, to help students develop English thinkingpattern is of great importance. Teachers should make students consciously be aware of thedifference between mother tongue and English, and lead them to pay more attention to theirway of expression before writing. However, not all the Mongolian students study in the samecollege and most of the English teachers are of Han nationality, to demand the teacher to helpwith their English learning by distinguishing the difference between Mongolian and Chineseis too difficult. So it is important for the Mongolian students themselves to know their degreeof the interference by Mongolian and pay more at论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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