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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2014-12-03编辑:Cinderella点击率:13719

论文字数:4058论文编号:org201412022255105965语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



of Hip Hop culture). It will aspire to expose their nature by touching on their history and present their contribution towards developing a culture of peace.


Rap Music


The essence of Rap music is often attributed to the African Bardic traditions of storytelling. It wasn’t until the 1970’s however, that in the wake of the 1960’s civil rights and Black Nationalist movements that it was refined in to what it is known as today. In the aftermath of 1967, black America saw the operation of rights that allow them to fully participating in the national systems of health care, education and welfare. Although there was formal acceptance of black people to a certain degree, citizens of the inner city ghettos became frustrated when new policy had little impact on life in the strife. Living conditions depreciated and gang culture, drugs and violence flourished. The passing of hollow legislation and policy did not of give equality in living conditions and economic opportunity; nevertheless it did liberate the inner city inhabitants vocally. Bound to this liberation the ethnic minorities found an international platform to exercise their freedom of speech – this is today known as Rap music.


Keyes (2004. p.40) says:Rap music developed in the United States in complex relations to diverse factors that include geo politics, shifts in music industry and the music of the streets, and change in federal government policies. In response to these factors, inner city youths – Djs, MCs, Graffiti writers, Bboys and Bgirls forged an arts movement that evolved in the streets known as Hip Hop.”


Rap music can be placed in to three categories: the first, known as the classic era came between the late 1970s until 1986. This was a simplistic form of rhyming and MC’s were generally used as stop gaps between the DJ’s changing the records to entertain the crowd. This era is also notably known as the time of block parties and community gatherings. Raping remained unsophisticated in regards to lyrical content until Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five released the record The Message in 1982. In comparison to what is known as “hardcore Rap” today the content of what we heard then may seem tame though, if observed by the historical context the message was highly controversial. These lyrics are an example of how Rap music challenged the social settings of ghetto America:


A child is born with no state of mind, blind to the ways of mankind, God is smiling on you but he's frowning too, because only God knows what you'll go through, you'll grow in the ghetto, living second rate and your eyes will sing a song of deep hate the places you're playin', where you stay looks like one great big alley way you'll admire all the number book takers thugs, pimps, pushers and the big money makers driving big cars, spending twenties and tens and you wanna grow up to be just like them, huh, smugglers, scrambles, burglars, gambl论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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