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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2014-12-03编辑:Cinderella点击率:13718

论文字数:4058论文编号:org201412022255105965语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



doesn't mean ya can't grow”


The third and present era of Rap music (1993 until present) saw this genre expand throughout the globe with contribution from all continents. Since the nineties we have seen rap develop in many languages which again proves Hip Hop has no racial boundaries. Conflict resolution and peace movements have greatly taken a forth coming position of recent and rap music is being utilized to unite humanity. Hip Hop “Sulha” (reconciliation) is a term that was coined in 2006 by a group of peace activists using Rap music and Hip Hop culture as a form of resolution. A series of events since 2006 have been used as a platform for dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian communities in New York, Israel and Palestine. As can be seen in Gelfand (2006):


Billed as an Israeli and Palestinian hip-hop showcase, the Hip-Hop Sulha is designed to bring Muslim, Jewish, Israeli and Palestinian rappers together onstage in order to foster unity and understanding. (Each act will first present its own set, with everyone joining forces for a combined effort at the end.) Proceeds from the concert will be donated to such organizations as Hand in Hand and Givat Haviva, which promote peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians.”


Many examples of Rap being used as a tool of mediation can also be seen on a local scale in Bradford. “Bread Binz” a local rap group hold workshops throughout schools and colleges in the region to attract youth participation in order to distract them from street life. Rap workshops in Local YMCA’s in Yorkshire provide full a syllabus which makes improving literacy for inner city youths a enjoyable activity. Aside the fact that Rap music tackles oppression and persecution on a global scale it is a tool to better education and productivity within youth. Hip Hop culture and Rap music strongly identifies with youth culture which is why is attracts them in masses. It is constantly evolving which in result keeps it mainstream and fresh. It provides realistic goals and aspirations for inner city youths and makes available good mentors.


Storr (1992) speaks about the psychological effects music has on people, although he speaks of music generally it can be applied to Rap and the influence it has on youth culture. Rap came from the youths of black America and it inspires creativity and productivity for youths across the globe:


We are creatures of conflict who seek for reconciliation of that conflict and creatures who tend to become cut off from the emotional springs within us because of our capacity for abstraction. The hypotheses of science and the theorems of mathematics may move us aesthetically to some extent, since they provide some degree of order in the midst of complexity. But they do not, as does music, put us in touch with the emotional basis of our inner life”


Breakin/B-Boy’ing (Break-dancing)