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中国瓷器文化 [10]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2014-12-14编辑:Cinderella点击率:13009

论文字数:5849论文编号:org201412122115337466语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



ln in night in more than 1000 year ago, becoming the world colour enamel is a founding of particularly red enamel, is called a national art object. The red symbolizes the sun, life, has a bumper harvests, good luck, satisfied etc. whole fine things. Deep red colour, it has abundant cultural content and high spirit state. China is red to be burned by the rare metal [Chemistry] tantalum (Ta) to make become, it still has to be precious than the gold.


Four of red porcelains in Chinas are strange


A strange is 'difficult':


Going together with to anticipate is difficult, difficult craft and burn to make difficult, model difficult. The red porcelain beard is burned to make by 1310 degrees heat, and 'ten kilns nine don't become', it may be said 'thousand kilns rare one treasure'.


Two strange is 'expensive':


The lord anticipates for the rare metal Te. The Te price is more expensive than the gold several, so praises red porcelain with the gold and burns to make actually not for lead.


Three strange is 'smooth':


The general porcelain and ceramics gives out light to is partial to frailty, be partial to luminous and be partial to strong, be partial to bright; But the red porcelain gives out light smooth then but and but sink, sink but deeply and deeply but friendship, and soft within strong of generosity of spirit.


Four strange is 'Xiang':


Red is big gentleman virtuous colour, lucky and peaceful, warmly and sincerity, elegant and riches and honor, great but the Yong permit. The gentleman is still virtuous, still virtuous pleased and red then, past red porcelain in really gentleman's collecting or donating is also on the good wonderful article.


Qinghualinglong porcelain the view green flower lovely porcelain (Qinghualinglong porcelain) in Jingdezhen is foundation creation and development that gets empty a craft in the Lou of clear year in Yung-loh to get up of, have already had 500 in various years of history. The porcelain work is used razor blade the Lou become to order on the Pi foetus some grain of rice-like in shape, is been called 'rice' by people, call again lovely eye, again stuff with lovely enamel to anticipate, and go together with green flower adornment, go into kiln to burn to make but become. It seems to be show handy, thorough clear, dexterity, and very elegant.



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